Delegate Assembly (DA)
2025 Delegate Assembly
Dates: September 19-20, 2025
Location:Â Delta by Marriott in Minneapolis
Electing Delegates
Nominations for Delegates are open from April 7-May 5, 2025. Please nominate yourself or a peer to be seated as a Delegate for Delegate Assembly. After the nominations window closes, any additional Delegate vacancies are to be appointed by the Local President by sending a notification to Election information is available here.
Resolutions and Other Proposals
Resolutions are items that, according to MAPE governing documents, ONLY the Delegate Assembly as a governing body can modify. Those governing documents are the MAPE Constitution and the Election Rules.  Â
Other proposals that modify bylaws are welcomed and encouraged. These proposals can be reviewed and approved, per bylaw, by the Board of Directors.  Â
The Board of Directors approved an updated process that provides resolution and proposal writers with support, knowledge and training on how to make changes to their union’s governing rules. This process allows for a full review of the implications of the proposed changes before delegates or the board adopts the language. This provides a higher level of scrutiny while honoring the authority of both the Assembly and the board.
These changes were made to strengthen our union by allowing more members access to this vital process and improve how we allocate our resources. Find more information about:Â
Resolutions – Learn who can submit, how to submit and the process.Â
Resolutions are language proposals that propose to modify the MAPE Constitution and Election Rules; only the Delegate Assembly can approve.Â
Other Proposals – Learn how these are different from resolutions, who can submit, how to submit and the process.Â
Proposals are language changes the board may change, per MAPE’s bylaws. These changes can also be made by the Delegate Assembly, but our bylaws grant those powers to the Board when the Assembly is not in session. Generally, these would be language changes to the bylaws, policy and other governing documents outside of the Constitution and Elections Rules. Â
Budget Forum
The Finance Workgroup will hold Budget Forums to walk through the budget that delegates will vote on during the Delegate Assembly.
Budget Forum: Member Feedback
Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2025 at 12 p.m.
Budget Forum: To review the final budget that delegates will vote on during DA.
Thursday, Sept. 4, 2025 at 12 p.m.
Resolution Forum
A Resolution Forum will be held before the Delegate Assembly to provide the opportunity for resolution authors to present their resolutions. There was time for members to ask questions and provide input.
Resolution Forum
Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2025 at 12 p.m.
Political Council Legislative Agenda Forum
The Political Council will provide an overview of the Legislative Agenda that needs approval from the Delegate Assembly.
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2025 at 12 p.m.
Parliamentarian Overview
The DA runs using the Standing Rules and Robert's Rules and delegates will need to follow these rules through all discussion and voting processes.
Date coming soon for a Parliamentarian Training.
Review for Delegates
This virtual meeting is an opportunity for all Delegates to review what they will be voting on during Delegate Assembly.
Date and time will be posted soon!