

Resolutions can modify the MAPE Constitution or Election Rules. They can only be voted on by the delegates.  

If you have a modification that alters a different document, you can submit it as a proposal to the Board of Directors. 

Who can submit 

  • Two or more members.   

  • Local and statewide executive committees.  

  • Locals.    

  • Statewide standing committees identified in the Bylaws.  

  • Board of Directors.   

  • Board of Trustees.  

How to submit 

Complete the Resolution Template and email it to c&


April 15 – Deadline for submissions – All submissions are shared with the Board of Directors and the Constitution and Rules Committee 

April 28 – Deadline for Constitution and Rules Committee to review and develop recommendations 

May 2 – Authors meet with the Executive Committee and can refer to committees 

Remainder of May – Authors meet with committees, get endorsements 

June 6 – Authors meet with the Executive Committee and review any changes and make further referrals if necessary. BOD is notified of any changes.  

Remainder of June – Authors meet with committees, get endorsements 

July 11 – Authors meet with the Executive Committee. Executive Committee votes to refer resolutions to the Delegate Assembly (per bylaws). If the Executive Committee votes to not refer to DA, authors would be notified of their right to appeal to the BOD. 

July 25 – Board of Directors would hear any appeals 

Aug. 12 – Deadline for resolutions to be posted on the website 

Aug. 27 – Resolutions Forum – recorded and posted on the website 

Sept. 19-20 – Delegate Assembly votes on resolutions 

Resolution Resources