Communications Resources Submit a newsletter item or project request

MAPE’s Communications Team is here to help MAPE members and staff craft communications that build power for our Union and our locals. We are happy to assist you as you advocate in your workplace and throughout Minnesota. Here are some helpful resources to get started.

Sign up for the newsletter

If you are not currently receiving the MAPE Newsletter, sign up now. Check your spam/junk folder. MNIT has told us that the MAPE newsletter does get filtered periodically. If you have signed up and are still not receiving the newsletter, reach out the Ashlye Erickson, Director of Communications, at
sign up for the newsletter


Project request

If you are planning a project, please reach out to Communications during your planning phase. Here is a walkthrough to help you in Planning Communications for a Project. Then, complete the Project Request Form.


Newsletter story idea

Do you an upcoming event, member accomplishment, agency win, or any other idea for the newsletter? Submit the Newsletter Request Form.
Submit youre newsletter idea


Submit photos or videos

Submit photos or videos using DropBox.

Virtual Backgrounds

Access all the backgrounds in this folder.

MAPE Light Room Virtual Background



MAPE Tan Room Virtual Background








MAPE Blue Wave Virtual Background






MAPE Light Blue Virtual Background






MAPE Strong Virtual Background







MAPE Logos


MAPE Logo simple MAPE Logo