Statewide Treasurer, Finance Committee and MAPE Financial Staff Standards
Board of Directors Revision Dates: 5/6/2010, 2/15/2013, 2/15/2019
Summary: The purpose is to establish minimum requirements to be met by the Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup, Statewide Treasurer, and MAPE Financial Staff in the handling of funds, assets and maintenance of the financial records of the Minnesota Association of Professional Employees. These standards are not intended to prohibit the use of additional or more complex safeguards, which may be established by the Delegate Assembly or the Board of Directors.
Funds of MAPE
All money received shall be placed directly into an account which is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or the National Credit Union Administration.
Other investments may be made according to the Investment Policy, but it is suggested that any investments with other than federally insured institutions be closely examined by the Board of Director’s Finance Workgroup. Evidence of investments shall be placed in a safe or safety deposit box held in the name of MAPE.
The following records shall be maintained by the Statewide Treasurer via the MAPE financial staff and accounting system:
- Cash receipts.
All money received will be deposited in an insured bank, savings and loan or credit union. The deposits should indicate date received, from whom, and for what. - Cash disbursement record.
All money spent can only be spent if required by law, the Association's constitution, to fulfill contractual obligations, or as authorized by a vote of the membership, Delegate Assembly, Board of Directors, Executive Committee, or Board of Director’s Finance Workgroup. Disbursements require the signature of a statewide officer and the Statewide Treasurer or other person as designated by the Bylaws Article IX Section 4. When a check is issued, the date, amount, payee and purpose of the check should be recorded on the check stub and in a cash disbursement journal. All disbursements should be substantiated by supporting documentation, such as bill or invoice, per capita tax report, employee or officer travel report, payroll record and lease arrangement. - Bank receipts for all deposits.
All bank deposits slips shall be prepared in duplicate and the duplicate copies receipted by the bank. - All bank statements and canceled checks.
All canceled checks are to be kept in numerical sequence with all voided checks accounted for. - All paid bills or invoices.
All paid bills or invoices shall have a copy of the check paying for the amount requested attached to it. - All payroll records.
- All federal or state reports.
- All financial reports.
- All lease agreements, lease-purchase or time payment contracts and all other contracts, which involve financial obligations on the part of MAPE.
- All documents constituting evidence of ownership by MAPE of any property or equipment.
The records shall be retained by the Statewide Treasurer, via the MAPE Financial Staff and accounting system, in their original form based on the IRS and accounting standards.
The Association can spend money only with proper authorization. This may be accompanied by the following kinds of requirements or actions:
- Payment required by law need no further authorization. Example of this would be taxes or salaries.
- Periodic payment to meet contractual obligations provided proper advance authorization was obtained by the Delegate Assembly, Board of Directors, Executive Committee, or Board of Director’s Finance Workgroup. Examples of these include lease on office, meeting space, automobiles and equipment.
- Payments may be authorized by vote of membership, Delegate Assembly, Board of Directors, Executive Committee, or Board of Director’s Finance Workgroup. Examples include:
- By motion properly made and carried authorizing the expenditure of a specific amount for a specific purpose. The motion in its entirety should be entered in the minutes.
- By motion properly made, carried and entered in the minutes authorizing regular payment of recurring obligations. Having once been authorized, this will stand indefinitely unless canceled by motion made and carried.
- By motion properly made, carried and entered in the minutes authorizing the Statewide Treasurer to enter into a purchase or service contract. Once signed, the contract becomes a recurring obligation and no further authorization is needed.
- By motion properly made, carried and entered in the minutes approving a budget for the coming year. This budget shall set forth the anticipated income and the sources and the anticipated expenditures and their purpose. The budget may serve as authorization for expenditures where those expenditures are supported by sufficient documentation to demonstrate their purpose and necessity.
- All authorized expenditures shall be made by check and a check drawn on the Association's account must be signed by an officer and the Statewide Treasurer, or other person as designated by the Bylaws Article IX Section 4.
- Under no circumstances shall the Statewide Treasurer or authorized substitute sign any check before the date, the name of the payee and the amount have been entered on the check.
- Use of a check-signing machine or signature stamp is permitted, provided the signature plate or stamp of each authorized individual remains at all times in the custody or control of said individual or the authorized substitute.
- At the time a check is issued, the date, amount, payee and purpose of the check shall be entered on the check stub.
- Checks shall not be made out to "cash" except under the most compelling circumstances. In any such case, the Statewide Treasurer shall have the responsibility of providing complete evidence as to the purpose and use of the amount of the check.
A monthly income and expense statement shall be prepared at the end of each month by the Statewide Treasurer and be made available to the Board of Directors. Regular financial reports shall be made available to the membership.
At least once each year the Board of Director’s Finance Workgroup shall have an independent auditor make an examination of the records. The finding of the audit must be reported to the general membership and the Board of Directors.
Delegate Assembly Revision Dates: 12/13/2002, 7/19/2013, 9/23-24/2016, 10/8/2022
Board of Directors Revision Dates: 5/16/2014, 10/21/2016, 2/17/2017, 11/17/2017, 3/15/2018, 2/15/2019, 7/15/2022, 2/17/2023
Summary: For the effective conduct of official MAPE business, MAPE may authorize reimbursement for lost time, from your MAPE represented position, or expenses that do not exceed budget restrictions.
Related Information: Treasurer’s Manual, MAPE Budget, Elected Statewide Reimbursement Policy
Authorization is required prior to the incurrence of the actual lost time or expenses.
Official business
Official business is defined as: those duties directed by the MAPE President, Executive Committee, Board of Directors, or Delegate Assembly. Any duty not previously budgeted for shall be charged to the budget of the body ordering the duty.
Requests for expenses or lost time shall be made on approved forms available from the MAPE office and on the MAPE website. Requests for reimbursement are to be made as soon as possible following the expenditure. To allow for the accounting year, everyone is requested to get all December billing in immediately and, if unable to get the actual billing in by December 26th, to submit an accurate estimate with the actual billing to follow as soon as possible.
In order for the reimbursement to be valid under the following categories, the Treasurer must initial, date, and attach an explanation to each individual reimbursement:
- Missing signature(s). Reimbursement may be authorized as long as the expense is within the MAPE Reimbursement Policy guidelines.
- Expense reports without receipts. Reimbursement may be authorized if the expense is less than $50 and is approved by the Treasurer.
All credit card receipts must contain an itemized list of the purchase(s) for reimbursement. Any items paid by a business agent or member shall be charged to the appropriate local or committee.
Items not specifically covered by these policies will be considered upon specific written request to the Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup.
Request Approval
Decisions on the validity of any reimbursement shall be the responsibility of the Statewide Treasurer. The determining factor regarding the validity of reimbursement shall be based on the direct benefit to MAPE being greater than the benefit to the individual. The Treasurer's decision may be appealed to the Board of Trustees. Any reimbursement decision still questioned may be appealed to the Board of Directors for final determination.
Anyone with authority to approve MAPE expenses shall not approve their own expense reports.
The Treasurer, with concurrence of the Statewide President, has the authority to withhold payment or take corrective action on items that they deem to be inconsistent, need further justification, or are not in the best interest of MAPE. Written notice to the MAPE member or staff will accompany the check or be in replacement of the check if expenses are denied. Appeals to the Board of Directors for final determination are always available. Appeals must be in written form and submitted to the Statewide President at least 10 working days prior to the scheduled Board meeting.
MAPE funds will not be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
Lost time
Payment for lost time shall not be for an amount in excess of actual time lost, from your MAPE represented position, or over a maximum of eight (8) hours unless the individual works a flex day (9 or 10 hours) or qualifies for travel time payment. Up to eight (8) hours of lost time will be paid for persons conducting MAPE business on a flex-day off. Lost time for evening hours or weekend hours will only be paid to those persons scheduled and missing work to conduct MAPE business during those times or travel time. In no case shall an individual be paid more than eighty (80) hours lost time per payroll period. These hours are exempt for FLSA purposes. MAPE will reimburse lost time in addition to their eight (8) hours of lost time wages for those traveling, computed as the round-trip mileage divided by 55.
By so indicating on the lost time form, MAPE-represented employees in active payroll status and on union leave without pay while performing MAPE duties may elect MSRS or TRA contributions to be continued with MAPE paying employer share and deducting employee share for any lost time.
Lost time may be claimed when using the following leave status:
- Vacation
- Union Leave
- Salary Savings
- Approved unpaid leave
- Paid Parental Leave
- Comp time
- Flex day off (up to 8 hours)
Lost time may not be claimed when using the following leave status:
- Sick
- Unpaid medical leave
- Short-term disability
- Long-term disability
Lost Accruals
When taking unpaid leave for union activities which results in loss of sick and vacation accruals, members will be paid for one additional hour of lost time per calendar day to offset these lost accruals.
This does not apply to Board of Directors or Negotiations Committee members who may use approved union leave which does not affect accruals per MAPE Contract Article XIV Section 3d Association Leave.
MAPE members performing official business of MAPE shall be granted lodging if the following criteria is met:
- Member is or will be in travel or work status prior to 6 am or after 7 pm.
- Authorization is given through a committee chair, the Board of Directors, or a statewide officer.
- Lodging request is made through MAPE Central.
- Lodging expenses do not exceed the hotel rate negotiated by MAPE.
- Lodging expenses directly billed to MAPE do not include any other charges, i.e., phone calls and meals, unless authorized prior to incurring the expense
Personal telephone calls
Actual documented personal telephone call charges may be reimbursed. The maximum reimbursement for each trip shall be the result of multiplying the number of nights away from home by the MAPE/state contract rate.
When a member uses their personal automobile to conduct official MAPE business, MAPE shall reimburse the individual at the IRS rate and an additional rider bonus of $.05 per mile per member or staff passenger.
Commercial transportation
An individual authorized to use commercial transportation (air - coach class, taxi, rental car, etc.) in connection with official MAPE business shall be reimbursed for the actual expense of the mode of transportation so authorized. Receipts are required for reimbursement.
Meal allowances
Individuals conducting official MAPE business shall be reimbursed for meals at the highest amount allowed for Minnesota per the U.S. General Services Administration per diem rates ( that are set each fiscal year, effective October 1 each year. The consecutive meal clause still applies. It is the responsibility of the individual to use good judgment in incurring meal expenses.
Group meals (two or more individuals) on one bill may exceed the maximum amount with prior approval of the statewide President or Treasurer. A receipt which includes a listing of all persons for which the expense was incurred is required.
No individual meal reimbursements will be allowed for members when a meal is provided for the committee, unless required for dietary restrictions. This includes breakfast for all mornings of Delegate Assemblies.
Travel advances
Travel advances may be approved by the statewide Treasurer or President at the time of a specific request for a specific amount provided such a request is made in a reasonable time in advance of the travel date. In all cases, after the actual expense is incurred, a final MAPE Expense Report with appropriate receipts attached shall be prepared and forwarded to the statewide Treasurer within thirty (30) days. If additional payment is due the individual, an additional check shall be prepared in the usual manner. If the advance payment exceeds the actual expenses, the individual shall refund the excess at the time the expense report is submitted.
Regional/Local Expenses
The following are items that regions/locals may not expend funds for or engage in:
- Purchasing alcoholic beverages.
- Paying for gambling.
- Entering into contracts on behalf of MAPE.
- Incurring indebtedness (loans) outside of MAPE Central.
- Pooling of financial resources without prior approval of the Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup.
- Contributing to other union organizing activities, other than those sanctioned by the MAPE Board of Directors.
- Contributing to political individuals or organizations.
- Paying for out-of-state travel.
- Donating to any one charity in excess of $1,000 per year.
- Assessing local dues, except as provided for in the MAPE Bylaws.
- Paying for attorney fees or legal settlements.
All regional or local reimbursement policies must be consistent with MAPE statewide policies – except where a more restrictive policy is proposed.
Statewide committees, and meet and confer expenses
Committee chairpersons may authorize mileage and expenses for members attending committee meetings in accordance with the MAPE Reimbursement Policy, providing budgetary restrictions are not exceeded. Monthly expense summaries are sent to committee chairs.
Steward and grievant expenses
Steward and grievant expenses above and beyond those outlined in the MAPE/state contract (Article 9, Section 2, C, 5) shall be reimbursed as provided for in accordance with the MAPE Reimbursement Policy.
Elected Statewide Reimbursement
Delegate Assembly Revision Date: 9/25/2005, 9/21/2019
Board of Directors Revision Date: 5/21/2010, 3/15/2013, 1/19/2024
Summary: Statewide Officer and special support reimbursement
- MAPE President shall be paid per the MAPE Reimbursement Policy for lost time, budgeted at 50 percent of the yearly 19L salary. If the President’s regular hourly wage is lower than the median hourly wage of all MAPE represented employees, then the President shall be reimbursed for lost time at the median wage.
- If the President takes leave without pay, the MSRS election under the lost time provision is applicable. Such contributions shall be made based on the President’s regular hourly wage.
- The MAPE President shall be eligible for insurance coverage in accordance with the MAPE/state contract.
- A MAPE President who uses a personal vehicle for MAPE business shall receive the monthly vehicle allowance in accordance with the MAPE Executive Director contract (starting in January of 2014).
- When a President is elected whose current workstation is within 50 mile radius of the MAPE office, MAPE will pay for overnight lodging when necessary. If the President can’t get home, be home for eight hours and get back to the MAPE office or to work by the start of the normal work day, the President is eligible for overnight lodging. Other areas of reimbursement are to be consistent with the MAPE contract.
- MAPE statewide officers shall be reimbursed for lost time and other expenses under the same provisions which pertain to MAPE members. All expenses (mileage, lodging, meals, parking, travel and other related expenses) while on MAPE business will be paid according to the MAPE Reimbursement Policy.
- When a MAPE statewide officer is required by the Board of Directors to be at MAPE full time, they shall accrue vacation and sick leave accruals at their normal rate of accrual in state service, retroactive to the start date of the full time leave. This applies only while on full time lost time. Upon completion of their term, the vacation accrual shall be liquidated in cash.
- When a MAPE statewide officer is elected whose workstation is outside a 50 mile radius of the MAPE office, MAPE may pay for lodging in the form of procuring an apartment, based on hotel/apartment cost comparison. The procurement should be approved and reviewed on an annual basis by the board of directors.
- The MAPE Statewide Treasurer shall be compensated at their rate of pay for hours worked outside of their normal work hours. The MAPE Statewide President may bank hours worked outside their normal work hours in a compensatory bank, consistent with the provisions in the agreement between MAPE and the State of Minnesota
- MAPE statewide officers will be provided a MAPE cell phone or reimbursement of up to the negotiated billing rate for MAPE staff.
- The MAPE President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary will be provided the same internet allowance as MAPE staff effective January 1, 2024.
- Computer support shall be compensated at their rate of pay for hours worked outside their normal work hours.
Trustees and/or appointed members serving on the credentials committee shall be compensated at their rate of pay for hours worked outside of their normal work hours, up to a maximum of eight hours.
Crisis Fund Investment
Board of Directors Approval Dates: 2/19/2016, 7/21/2017, 2/15/2019, 11/19/2021
The MAPE Crisis Fund (hereafter referred to as the “Fund”) was established to provide financial support in the event of a job action, such as a strike or a shutdown. The purpose of this Investment Policy Statement is to establish guidelines for the Fund’s investment portfolio (the “Portfolio”). The statement also incorporates accountability standards that will be used for monitoring the progress of the Portfolio’s investment program and for evaluating the contributions of the Fund Advisor hired on behalf of the Fund and its beneficiaries.
Role of the Investment Review Board:
The Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup shall serve as the Investment Review Board (IRB). The Statewide Treasurer will chair the IRB and may appoint up to two additional members at large.
The IRB is acting in an oversight capacity with respect to the Portfolio, and is accountable to the MAPE Board of Directors, for overseeing the investment of all assets owned by, or held in trust for, the Portfolio.
- This Investment Policy Statement sets forth the investment objectives and guidelines that govern the activities of the IRB and any other parties to whom the MAPE Board of Directors has delegated investment management responsibility for Portfolio assets.
- The investment policies for the Fund contained herein have been formulated consistent with the organization’s anticipated financial needs and in consideration of the organization’s tolerance for assuming investment and financial risk, as reflected in the majority opinion of the MAPE Board of Directors.
- Policies contained in this statement are intended to provide guidelines, where necessary, for ensuring the Portfolio’s investments are managed consistent with the short-term and long-term financial goals of the Fund. At the same time, they are intended to provide for sufficient investment flexibility in the face of changes in capital market conditions and in the financial circumstances of the organization.
- The IRB will review this Investment Policy Statement at least once per year. Changes to this Investment Policy Statement can be made only by affirmation of a majority of the MAPE Board of Directors, and written confirmation of the changes will be provided to all IRB members and to any other parties hired on behalf of the Portfolio as soon thereafter as is practical.
Investment Goals, Objectives and Guidelines:
As the purpose of the Fund is to provide financial resources in the event of a job action, the Fund is to be invested with the objective of preserving the long-term, real purchasing power of assets, while maintaining a significant amount of liquidity.
As a result, 1/3rd of the Fund will be held in fully insured cash, cash equivalents or certificates of deposit.
The other 2/3rds of the Fund will be invested in a balanced portfolio of equity, fixed income and cash equivalent securities. The fixed income portion will contain a significant allocation to Minnesota Municipal bonds (up to a maximum of 50% of this portion of the Fund). No less than 15% of the total holdings of this balanced portfolio will be invested in socially responsible instruments and mutual funds. This portion of the Fund seeks to achieve an average annual rate of return (over a period of at least 10 years) of the Consumer Price Index plus 2% to 5%.
Cash Portfolio Investment Policy (1/3rd )
A fundamental difference exists between the management of the cash portfolio and the balanced portfolio. As stated above, 1/3rd of the Fund will be held in fully insured cash, cash equivalents, certificates of deposit and/or treasury instruments. MAPE’s Business Manager has the authority to work with the Fund Advisor in determining the appropriate ongoing allocation of cash, cash equivalents and certificates of deposit based on Fund needs and market conditions. Within 5 days of any changes the Business Manager will notify the Investment Review Board (IRB).
Balanced Portfolio Investment Policies (2/3rds )
Asset Allocation Policy:
- The IRB recognizes that the strategic allocation of Portfolio assets across broadly defined financial asset categories with varying degrees of risk, return, and return correlation will be the most significant determinant of long-term investment returns and Portfolio asset value stability.
- The IRB expects that actual returns and return volatility may vary from expectations and return objectives for periods of time that can range from one to three years. While the IRB wishes to retain flexibility with respect to making periodic changes to the Portfolio’s asset allocation, it expects to do so only in the event of material changes to the Fund, to the assumptions underlying Fund spending policies, and/or to the capital markets and assets in which the Portfolio invests.
- Fund assets in the balanced portfolio will be comprised of two major components: an equity portion and a fixed income portion. The expected role of the equity investments will be to maximize long-term real growth of Portfolio assets, while the role of fixed income investments will be to provide for more stable periodic returns, and provide some protection against a prolonged decline in the market value of the equity investments.
- Outlined below are the long-term strategic asset allocation guidelines of the balanced portfolio (excluding the cash portfolio), determined by the IRB to be the most appropriate, given the Fund’s long-term objectives and short-term constraints.
Asset Class |
Target Allocation |
US Equities |
30% |
Non-US Equities |
20% |
Fixed Income / MN Muni’s |
50% |
Diversification Policy:
Diversification across and within asset classes is the primary means by which the IRB expects the Portfolio to avoid undue risk of large losses over long periods of time. To protect the Portfolio against unfavorable outcomes within an asset class due to the assumption of large risks, the IRB will take reasonable precautions to avoid excessive investment concentrations. Specifically, the following guidelines will be in place:
- With the exception of cash or fixed income investments explicitly guaranteed by the U.S. government, no single investment security shall represent more than 5% of total Portfolio assets.
- With the exception of passively managed investment vehicles seeking to match the returns of a broadly diversified market index, no single investment pool or mutual fund shall comprise more than 20% of total Portfolio assets.
- With respect to fixed income investments, for individual bonds, the minimum credit quality of these investments shall be rated A or higher on a major U.S. exchange.
Permissible Asset Classes:
- Cash and Cash Equivalents, including U.S. Treasury Bills
- Fixed Income – Domestic Bonds
- Fixed Income – Non-U.S. Bonds
- Equities – U.S.
- Equities – Non-U.S.
- Equities – Emerging Markets
- Equities – REITs
Permissible Security Types:
- Mutual Funds
- Individual Stocks – Publicly traded on New York, American or NASDAQ Stock Exchanges
- Individual Bonds – Rated A or higher and traded on a major U.S. exchange
- Closed End Funds
- Deferred Annuities – Issued by an insurance company with a Best rating of A- or higher
Prohibited Asset Classes:
- Venture Capital
- Purchases of Letter Stock, Private Placements, or Direct Payments
- Puts, Calls, Straddles, or Other Option Strategies
- Direct Purchases of Real Estate
Other Investment Policies:
The Portfolio and its Fund Advisor are prohibited from:
- Purchasing securities on margin or executing short sales.
- Purchasing or selling derivative securities for speculation or leverage.
- Engaging in levered investment strategies that have the potential to amplify or distort the risk of loss beyond a level that is reasonably expected, given the objectives of the Portfolio.
Rebalancing Policy:
It is expected that the Portfolio’s actual asset allocation will vary from its target allocation as a result of the varying periodic returns earned on its investments in different asset classes. The Portfolio will be rebalanced to its target normal asset allocation under the following procedure:
- The Fund Advisor will review the Portfolio quarterly to determine the deviation from target weightings. During the quarterly review, the following parameters will be applied:
- If the actual weighting differs from the target weighting by +/- 5 percentage points from its target weighting, unless due to a strategist recommendation, the Fund Advisors shall rebalance the portfolio back to the recommended weighting within 10 days of the quarterly meeting.
- The Fund Advisor will notify the IRB seven business days before rebalancing occurs. If so directed, the Fund Advisor will not perform or authorize the rebalancing.
Monitoring Portfolio Investments and Performance:
The IRB will monitor the Portfolio’s investment performance against the Portfolio’s stated investment objectives.
The Fund Advisor will meet with the IRB at least once per year and will provide the IRB with a quarterly report that lists all of the assets held by the Portfolio, the values for each asset and all transactions affecting the assets, including additions and withdrawals.
In addition, the Fund Advisor will provide the following quarterly management reports:
- Portfolio performance results over the last quarter, year, three years and five years.
- Performance results of each individual manager for the same periods.
- Performance results of comparative benchmarks for the same periods.
- End of quarter status regarding asset allocation – current vs. policy.
- Any recommendations for changes.
The balanced portfolio’s (excluding cash and cash equivalents) composite investment performance (net of fees) will be judged against a composite benchmark consisting of the following unmanaged market indexes weighted according to the expected target asset allocations stipulated by the Portfolio’s investment guidelines:
- 55% Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund (VTSMX)
- 30% Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund (VGTSX)
- 15% Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund (VBMFX)
In keeping with the Portfolio’s overall long-term financial objective, the IRB will evaluate the Portfolio and the Fund Advisor over a suitably long-term investment horizon, at a minimum, on a rolling five-year basis.
Original Policy Approval Date: 4/20/2001
Board of Directors Revision Dates: 5/6/2010, 1/18/2013, 2/17/2017, 2/15/2019
Summary: Guideline for authorization of funds.
Assets/Contract Services |
Operating Supplies |
Statewide President, Treasurer, Executive Director, Business Manager |
Up to $ 10,000 |
Up to $5,000 |
Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup |
Up to $20,000 |
From $5,000 and up |
Statewide Committees |
No authority |
Up to $5,000, within committee budget |
- Three bids will be obtained when possible for purchases exceeding $10,000.00 for a year of services, equipment or supplies: The Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup will recommend a bid to the Board of Directors for approval. For reoccurring expenditures over $10,000 (i.e. printing, office supplies, service contracts etc.) contracts will be reviewed every third (3rd) year or as directed by the Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup.
- Purchases in excess of the limits above require Board of Directors’ approval.
- All contracts must be signed by the Executive Director or Business Manager.
- In cases of emergency:
The Executive Committee is authorized to spend up to $25,000 for emergency situations as defined. All such expenditures will be reflected on a MAPE income/expense statement. This statement will be presented to the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup and the Board of Directors for review. The Board of Directors must be convened to authorize emergency moneys over the initial $25,000. The same procedures for accounting will be followed.
For the purposes of this policy, emergency situations include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Maintenance of essential daily operations.
- Commitment, renting, or replacing temporary locations that are necessary due to fire, storm, floods, electrical and utility disasters, or other unforeseen circumstances that prevent normal MAPE activities.
Asset Disposal
Original Policy Approval Date: 10/18/2002
Board of Directors Revision Date: 5/06/2010, 7/20/2012
Summary: Guideline for liquidation/disposal of assets.
Related Information:
Business Manager will propose assets to be liquidated.
Assets of less than $1,000 fair market value shall be liquidated/disposed of by the Business Manager in an appropriate manner.
Any asset with a fair market value of $1,000 or more shall be sold by sealed bid. The bidding process shall be supervised by the Executive Director. Advertising of the sale items will include the date, time and location for inspection, the bidding procedure, the closing date and the minimum acceptable bid.
Bids must be submitted to the MAPE office (to the attention of the Treasurer), must be clearly marked as bids and must state the asset the bid is for. Bids must be received on or before the closing date to be valid.
Assets will be sold to the highest bidder at or over the minimum acceptable bid. A random drawing will be used to break any ties.
The Treasurer will notify the successful bidder.
Successful bidders pay for the asset within the time specified in the bidding.
Original Date of Policy: 8/8/2008
Board of Directors Revision Date: 5/6/2010, 8/17/2012, 7/19/2024
Delegate Assembly Revision Date: 10/1/2010
Summary: Guideline for donations and acknowledgement of life events.
Related Information:
For MAPE Members and Staff | How Handled: |
Recognition of significant member life events such as birth/adoptions, wedding, retirement, leaving MAPE position, illness or hospitalization, death (including of spouse/partner, child, parent, or close family member). |
Greeting card, floral arrangement, gift basket, gift card to a local merchant, memorial, plaque not to exceed $125.00. |
For Others | How Handled: |
Labor Causes (MAPE & General) | Board of Directors if $1,000 or more; |
Natural Disasters and Emergencies | MAPE Executive Committee if less than $1,000. |
Support Labor Lawsuits* | Board of Directors or MAPE Executive Committee. |
Charitable | Neither the Board of Directors nor the MAPE Executive Committee will make charitable donations. |
Religious | No Involvement. This supersedes all other policies. |
*Locals may contribute to support labor lawsuits only if such contributions are approved by the Board of Directors or the MAPE Executive Committee.
All donation requests to the Board of Directors must be submitted a minimum of 10 days prior to the Board of Directors meeting.
Credit Card
Original Date of Policy: 4/20/2001
Board of Directors Revision Date: 5/06/2010, 4/19/2013
Summary: Guideline for use of MAPE credit card account
Related Information:
The MAPE credit card account may be used for MAPE Central expenses such as subscriptions, training, conferences, equipment/furniture, office supplies or other expenses approved with a purchase order form. The credit card account may also be used by the Executive Director, Statewide President, Statewide Treasurer or Business Manager for business meals, travel or lodging expenses.
Credit cards may be issued to the Executive Director, Statewide President, Statewide Treasurer, and/or Business Manager.
Petty Cash
Original Policy Approval Date: 4/20/2001
Board of Directors Revision Date: 5/6/2010, 2/15/2013
Summary: Guideline for petty cash.
Related Information:
The petty cash fund shall have no more than $1,000.
Disbursements from petty cash should be signed by the person receiving the funds and also by the person distributing the funds. There must be two people involved in this transaction.
Appropriate expenditures are those that are reasonable and legal in accordance with MAPE Reimbursement Policy.
When disbursing funds from the petty cash fund, the financial specialist must assure that a vendor receipt or a cash disbursement record is present to support each transaction.
When replenishing the petty cash fund, the financial specialist must present a vendor receipt or a cash fund disbursement record to support each transaction.
It is recommended that all local meeting expense advances have five (5) days advance notice for disbursement of petty cash. Substantiating receipts and membership lists must be returned to MAPE Central within five (5) business days of receipt of monies. Return of documentation may be by U.S. mail, fax or in person.
Billing Procedure
Original Policy Approval Date: 4/20/2001
Board of Directors Revision Dates: 5/06/2010, 4/19/2013
Summary: Guideline for providing goods and services.
Related Information:
Before MAPE provides any goods or services to another entity, a written order or contract must be created. The order/contract must specify the goods or services being requested and a desired time frame.
- The order or contract will be routed to the President, Executive Director or the Business Manager for signature, date and approval/denial decision.
- In the case of a denial of the order/contract, the financial specialist will inform the requesting entity of the decision in writing.
- For approved orders/contracts, the President, Executive Director or Business Manager will direct the work to fill the order/contract, with ongoing records of time spent and materials used in filling the order/contract maintained by the Business Manager.
- After the order/contract is filled, the Business Manager will provide the financial specialist with the original order/contract, which includes the date the order/contract was completed. Also attached will be sufficient information to allow the financial specialist to prepare a billing. The billing must reference the written order or contract. When materials have been produced or mailed, a summary must be attached.
- The financial specialist will prepare the billing and post the billing to the accounts receivable ledger. The billing must be mailed within thirty (30) days of the receipt of goods/services. A file of all billings will be maintained by the financial specialist.
- When payment is received, it will be posted to the accounts receivable journal and the financial specialist’s copy of the bill will be marked paid. The financial specialist will deposit the funds received.
Original Policy Approval Date: 4/20/2001
Delegate Assembly Revision Dates: 9/20-21/2013, 9/23-24/2016
Board of Directors Revision Dates: 5/06/2010, 6/21/2013, 4/18/2014, 5/16/2014, 6/19/2014, 6/19/2015, 5/19/2017, 2/15/2019
Summary: Definition of fund categories.
- Operations Continuity Fund: Disbursements from this fund are to cover MAPE operating expenses during a labor action and is funded with 1 percent of dues income.
- Capital Improvement Fund: Expenditures from this fund are for capital improvements such as furniture and computer equipment and is funded with 1 percent of dues income plus depreciation transfers.
- Negotiations Team Fund: Expenditures will be for negotiation expenses consistent with the MAPE Reimbursement Policy. This is funded at the monthly pro rata share of the negotiations budget. If negotiation expenses exceed this fund balance, a transfer must be made from the undesignated reserve.
- Undesignated Reserve Fund: This will be funded with unused income.
- Local/Regional Fund: This is funded by local dues collected, less expenses, to provide for local activities. Locals will be funded each pay period based on collected dues at a rate of $1.25 per member.
- Local Supplementals: Locals with 200 or less MAPE represented employees shall have funds replenished monthly with $1000 if their balance falls below $1000. Money will be used for operations of the Local in providing services to their members. A budget supplement may also be obtained by any local through a request to and approval by the Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup and the Board of Directors.
- Crisis Fund: Disbursements from the Crisis Fund will be for MAPE job actions or needs arising from a full or partial government shutdown and are available to all members of the bargaining unit, including all employees represented by MAPE, based upon the guidelines developed by the Board of Directors. It is funded with 4 percent of dues income.
- Delegate Assembly Fund: Expenditures will be for Delegate Assembly expenses consistent with the MAPE Reimbursement Policy. This is funded at the monthly pro rata share of the Delegate Assembly budget. If Delegate Assembly expenses exceed this fund balance, a transfer must be made from the undesignated reserve.
- Future Years Operations: Funded by accumulation of undesignated reserve and based on current knowledge of future business needs. This fund serves as a reserve account to reduce the need for future dues increases.
- Educational/Independent Expenditure Political Fund: Expenditures will be for non-candidate specific political actions based on the priorities of MAPE and political climate regarding legislative/contractual issues. This is funded at the monthly pro rata share of the yearly budget.
Room Rental
Board of Directors Revision Date: 5/6/2010, 7/19/2013
Summary: Policy for renting meeting rooms at the MAPE office.
Related Information: Billing Procedures Policy:
The MAPE Board Room is available 9am-4pm Monday through Friday on a rental basis, when not in use for MAPE activities. Rates are as follows:
$25 per hour or $120 per day for MAPE members and other unions.
$30 per hour or $150 per day for others. This fee may be waived upon mutual agreement of the MAPE Statewide President and Treasurer with appeal to the Executive Committee and/or Board of Directors.
Local Budgets
Original Policy Approval Date: 6/20/2003
Board of Directors Revision Date: 5/6/2010, 6/21/2013, 5/16/2014, 6/19/2014, 2/15/2019
Summary: Guidelines for local budgets and allocations.
- Local budget
Locals will prepare an annual budget and submit their budget to the Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup by January 1st of each year.Establishing a local budget and approval by membership allows local officers to spend funds throughout the year within their budget.
Locals that do not submit a budget in a timely manner may be subject to losing access to their local funds until an approved budget is in place.
- Budget supplement
Locals with 200 or less MAPE represented employees shall have funds replenished monthly with $1,000 if their balance falls below $1,000. Money will be used for operations of the Local in providing services to their members. A budget supplement may be obtained by any local through a request to and approval by the Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup and the Board of Directors.
- Training and local/regional election costs
Costs associated with local elections (including special elections) will be covered by MAPE Central.
Training costs for lost time, mileage, meals, lodging and any other expenses will be covered by the MAPE Central training budget for statewide training initiatives. This also applies to locally initiated basic steward training of five or more members at one location. This does not prevent a local from funding additional training for their officers or members.
- Financial ramifications of members changing locals
When buildings are closed or when 15 or more members are moved between locals, the director(s) of the affected region(s) shall meet with the leadership of the locals that are involved and mediate a solution. If all attempts at resolution are exhausted, the issue shall be presented to the Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup for resolution, with final approval by the Board of Directors.
Local Checkbook
Original Policy Approval Date: 8/8/2008
Board of Directors Revision Dates: 5/6/2010, 1/18/2013, 11/21/2014, 5/19/2017, 2/15/2019
Summary: Financial guidelines for locals with checkbooks.
Related Information: Local Treasurer’s Manual, MAPE Local Audit Committee Report.
- Locals may not issue payment for lost time or any other items (such as mileage for ride sharing or an individual’s meal reimbursement if no overnight stay occurs) requiring tax withholding. These must be sent to MAPE Central, Attn: financial specialist for reimbursement.
- An Affinity Plus Membership Form is to be completed by the local treasurer. Signature cards are required from each authorized signer. Complete and return form and cards to MAPE Central, Attn: financial specialist for submission to the bank. Authorized signers can be the regional director, local president, local vice president, local secretary, local membership secretary and local treasurer. A local is required to obtain three authorized signers on the account. A local unable to acquire three authorized signers will not be allowed to have a local checkbook and all expenditures will have to be processed through MAPE Central. Any change in officers requires an update in signature authorization; the local treasurer should keep a list of authorized signers.
- Locals may request up to two debit cards per account for authorized signers. Debit cards must not be used for cash withdrawals.
- Reconcile check register to bank statement monthly.
- The local must submit the checkbook replenishment form and all supporting documentation (receipts, attendance sheets, etc.) to MAPE Central, Attn: financial specialist in order to receive replenishment to the local checking account. All transactions must be recorded on the local checkbook replenishment form(s). Replenishment (s) shall be done monthly.
- Local checkbooks may have a balance limit up to $5,000. Locals with a limit of less than $5,000 who are seeking an increase must submit to MAPE Central, Attn: financial specialist minutes from a local membership or executive team meeting with the passed motion indicating the new limit.
- Bank fees such as overdraft, check printing, and debit card are the responsibility of the local.
- Prior to the annual checkbook audit the local treasurer will provide the following to the Local Audit Committee:
- Completed Expense Reconciliation Form
- Annual budget
- Expense forms and receipts
- Bank statements
- MAPE Reimbursement, Donations, and Local Checkbook Policies
- Local Audit Committee Report
- Local Audit Committee shall consist of at least three members who are not local or regional officers. The committee members shall be in good standing and appointed by motion by the local, multiple locals may use the same audit committee. The committee shall review the local financial records as needed, at least annually. A report covering the period of January 1 to December 31 of the prior calendar year must be submitted by March 15th of each year to the Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup after being presented to the local membership and will consist of the following:
- Review expense forms for appropriate expenditures and signatures
- Review expenditures in accordance with the local’s budget as submitted
- Review that no checks are written payable to CASH
- Review that the checking account reconciles to the local’s maximum account balance
- Review that expenses are within the guidelines of the policies of MAPE
- If the local does not submit a completed Audit Committee Report to MAPE by March 31, the Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup shall serve as the audit committee and will audit the local’s financial records. The local will be billed by MAPE Central for all expenses incurred by the Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup members to perform the review.
- Failure to comply with the above checkbook policy and the MAPE Local Reimbursement Policy shall result in revocation of checkbook privileges.
Local Advertisement Approvals and Contributions
Board of Directors Revision Date: 2/19/2010, 6/21/2013
Delegate Assembly Revision Date: 11/20/2009
Summary: Guidelines for the approval process for advertisement campaigns funded by local funds and individual contributions and how those contributions to those media campaigns will be used.
Related Information: On July 17, 2009, the MAPE Board approved the creation of a dedicated MAPE budget line item to provide locals a viable avenue and the opportunity to contribute local funds specifically designated for print and radio advertising that promotes MAPE represented employees as part of MAPE’s ongoing communications.
Policy: It is the policy of MAPE to support the local-funded presentation of positive media messages that highlight the services our members provide.
All advertisement campaign proposals and advertisements shall be sent to the Board of Directors:
- Review proposals from members for external communications targeting various public media outlets.
- Evaluate proposals with consideration to their feasibility given the constraints in the budget or established criteria.
- Make recommendations for approval by the Board of Directors on proposed media campaigns.
- Approve advertisements and/or make recommendations to the proposing members for alternative ways to advertise. The criteria for advertising:
- Compliant with MAPE Governing Documents.
- Focused on services provided to the public by MAPE members.
- Non-partisan in nature.
- Positive messages consistent with MAPE’s overall message.
- All ads should have MAPE or Minnesota Association of Professional Employees mentioned in the advertisement.
The Board Communications Work Group will meet as needed to discuss and recommend to the MAPE Board of Directors advertisements that have been suggested and prioritize the placement of ads. The Board Communications Work Group will continue to report to the Board actions taken, as other Board committees are required to do. Any expenses of the Board Communications Work Group members shall come out of the Board of Directors budget.
Locals can designate funds to specific approved advertisements, advertising campaigns, or to the general local external advertising budget. Members are also allowed to individually contribute.
Crisis Fund/Job Action
Original Policy Approval Date: 6/24/2005
Board of Directors Revision Dates: 5/06/2010, 4/19/2013, 11/21/2014, 2/15/2019
Summary: Policy for job action and crisis fund distributions.
Established and funded by Delegate Assembly action. A job action or crisis could be defined as a strike, shutdown or an extreme legislative attack.
Crisis Fund balance:
- Local Support - A portion of the Crisis Fund will be set aside as a reserve earmarked for local job action use only (see policy C, below).
- Statewide Action/Crisis Expenses:
- Strike pay (at minimum wage and limited to 40 hours per week)
- Public relations/communications (targeted)
- To members
- To media/legislators/public
- Materials
- Printing
- Phone banks
- “Sticks”
- Member Support
- Food
- Transportation
- Expenditure Priorities
Priority |
Expense |
Description |
1 |
Communication |
This would include tele-town hall meetings and paid media |
2 |
Printed Materials |
Signs and materials for picket lines |
3 |
Local Support |
Meeting space, food, beverages for those on the picket line |
4 |
Health Care |
Assist in paying health care premiums for represented employees that participate in the picket line |
5 |
Strike Pay |
Minimum wage for represented employees for hours spent on the picket line |
6 |
Hardship Fund |
Establish a hardship fund to assist members in paying their bills during a job action |
Policy definitions:
- Reserve Fund order of dissolution: In the event of a major job action, the dissolution and use of Reserve Funds shall be, in order:
- a) Crisis Fund
- b) Undesignated Reserve
- c) Building Line of Credit
- d) Capital Improvement Fund
- e) Future Years Operations Fund
The Operations Continuity Fund is reserved for the use of MAPE in continuity of business.
- Strike pay: Shall be paid to bargaining unit members, including all employees represented by MAPE, at the federal minimum wage rate for reimbursements based on time or in-kind services to MAPE during a major job action totaling more than 20 hours per pay period. To be eligible, the bargaining unit member, including all employees represented by MAPE, must honor the job action from beginning to end and perform a service to MAPE.
- Local job action funds: An initial proposed amount of $850 is to be set aside for each local with a balance less than $15,000, as an emergency reserve not to be included in the local’s annual budget. These funds shall be used in the event of a job action as an infusion of needed capital at the local level for use by the local job action committee in support of a MAPE job action. To support job actions on the local level, a portion of the total balance of the Crisis Fund will be earmarked toward that end.
- Authorization: Once the Board of Directors approves the use of the Crisis Fund the decision of dispersal of funds for job action purposes ultimately resides in the Executive Committee. Advice from the Statewide Job Action Committee, the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors' Finance Workgroup, and the staff should be sought and considered.
Hardship Loan/Grant
Original Policy Approval Date: 5/6/2010
Board of Directors Revision Dates: 06/21/2013, 2/15/2019
Summary: Procedures to disseminate hardship loans or grants.
- In the event of a strike or a full or partial shutdown of state government MAPE will, through its President, Treasurer, or Executive Director, secure arrangements for hardship loans which may be required by its members to meet their financial commitments for the duration of the strike or state government shutdown.
- All such loan decisions shall rest with the lending policies of the financial institution selected.
- In the event that a member does not qualify for a hardship loan under the guidelines of the selected financial institution, the member may apply for a hardship grant, which may also be administered by the same selected financial institution with oversight from the MAPE Hardship Loan and Grant Committee.
- The Hardship Loan and Grant Committee shall be composed of the MAPE Statewide Vice President, the MAPE Statewide Treasurer, and the MAPE Statewide Secretary.
- In working with the selected financial institution, the Hardship Loan and Grant Committee will define “hardship” and establish criteria for the financial institution to use to ensure consistency of determinations as well as auditable loan and grant program documentation while maintaining the confidentiality of those making application or receiving hardship loans or grants.
- Funds for the Hardship Loan and Grant Program will be from:
- Donations to MAPE Central for strike assistance.
- Donations of hours of strike pay.
- Donations from outside organizations or individuals.
- Specific appropriations approved by the MAPE Executive Committee from the MAPE Crisis Fund.
- Any member meeting the following criteria is eligible for hardship grants:
- Must be supporting or participating in job action activities.
- Must have applied for and been denied a hardship loan by the selected lending financial institution administering the Hardship Loan and Grant Program.
- Must take advantage of financial planning services (if offered free of charge by the selected financial institution administering the Hardship Loan and Grant Program).
- Denial of a hardship grant and all limitations, inclusive of the following limitations on the Hardship Loan and Grant Program, can be appealed to the Hardship Loan and Grant Committee:
- No funds will be disbursed until at least two weeks (or a full pay period) after the start of the strike or state shutdown.
- A hardship loan or grant will not exceed the member’s normal net biweekly compensation.
- Disbursement of hardship loans and grants will be made payable only to creditors, not to the members.
- If a strike or state shutdown continues beyond two weeks, members may apply again for a hardship loan or grant every two weeks by meeting the above requirements.
- If the need or circumstances for the hardship loan or grant are deemed critical by the Hardship Loan and Grant Committee, the committee may, by majority vote, waive program limitations.
- The Hardship Loan and Grant Committee shall be responsible for publicizing information on the Hardship Loan and Grant Program to the local leadership and the membership in general prior to a job action.
Local Member Assistance Fund
Board of Directors Revision Date: 6/18/2010, 7/19/2013, 2/20/2015
Summary: Policy for MAPE Locals to establish a Local Member Assistance Fund (LMAF).
Establishment and Operation
- Locals may establish hardship funds for qualified recipients.
- The local executive committee will be responsible for the establishment of the LMAF and policy/procedures.
- The LMAF will operate in a manner similar to MAPE’s current Donations Policy. -- MAPE Locals may utilize local funds and seek area donations, including donations from other MAPE locals, to capitalize their LMAF.
- MAPE locals may utilize area financial institutions.
- Disbursement of funds is limited to the approved local budget line item.
- Qualified recipients:
- A MAPE member and or spouse, domestic partner, dependent child, who has been financially impacted due to a recent major personal/family catastrophe or medical condition.
- Eligible requests:
- Each qualified recipient is eligible to receive grants not to exceed a total of one thousand dollars ($1,000) of LMAF assistance during a 12-month period.
- Marketing:
- MAPE locals are encouraged to market their LMAF by using the MAPE name, logo and website and by using cost effective web-based social marketing and networking technologies.
- Accountability:
- The local executive committee operates and oversees the LMAF and considers each application request. Requests and decisions are subject to review and audit by the MAPE Executive Committee.
- Policy justification:
- The purpose of this policy is to provide clarity for local member assistance.
- The MAPE Central Office does not sanction or endorse any charity or fundraising event.
Local Recruitment Reimbursement
Board of Directors Revision Date: 2/17/2012, 5/16/2014, 2/20/2015
Summary: Local Recruitment Reimbursement
Related Information:
2010 MAPE Delegate Assembly (DA) Resolution “MAPE Membership 2010”
2009 MAPE DA Resolution “MAPE Establish a Goal of 80% Membership”
- Locals may receive up to 240 hours lost time and mileage per year for activities to increase membership percentage.
- The MAPE Membership Committee budget will include a line item for reimbursement of members’ lost time, and expenses spent on activities to increase the percentage of MAPE members. The reimbursable recruiting activity may be for the benefit of the member’s local or another local, but must be approved by two of the benefitting local’s officers, one of which must be the President.
- Appropriate activities may include, but are not limited to:
- Contacting fee payers to encourage them to become members.
- Providing training/mentoring to current or potential recruiters.
- Receiving recruiting training/mentoring.
- Reimbursable expenses will be recorded on MAPE’s standard expense forms, charged to the Membership Committee. Food reimbursement amounts will be allowed per MAPE contract language in Article 18 section 5 sub. D Meal Allowance. MAPE merchandise up to $20.00 is allowed per fee payer.
- Once planned, the locals are encouraged to contact the Membership Committee Chair with the planned activity dates. When possible, assistance from the Membership Committee will be made available to the local.
Upon completion of the recruitment activity, the local will share a summary report with the Membership Committee on what did or did not work.
Stipend and Recognition Policy
Original Date of Policy: 3/21/2014
Board of Directors Revision Dates: 11/21/2014, 2/17/2017, 5/19/2023, 9/20/2024
Summary: This policy outlines what is allowable in regards to stipends and recognition for MAPE members.
Only local officers are allowed to receive a stipend to account for the use of personal time and incidentals that come with the position of being a local officer. No other position, Regional Director, Chief Steward, Stewards, Negotiations Representatives, or Delegates (alternates) are allowed a stipend.
Each local officer may receive a stipend equivalent of up to $480 maximum per calendar year (such as 2 hours at $20 per hour per month) to offset incidental expenses. Stipends must be processed as payroll and need to be determined using a number of hours and rate of pay. Stipends are considered taxable income and are subject to withholding taxes.
Each local has the authority by vote of their membership to determine the amount of the stipend their local officers may receive. Meeting minutes must be sent to the MAPE Financial Specialist and Statewide Treasurer prior to claiming stipends.
Stipends shall be paid out on a yearly or 6 month timeline as decided by the local officer team. Stipends shall be prorated for time served as a local officer. Stipends will be claimed using the Local Officer Stipend form and submitted to MAPE’s Financial Specialist.
Recognition for members is allowed. Recognitions are intended to reward members for specific actions (e.g. service award or drawing for local meeting attendance). Recognition should not be cash or cash equivalent such as VISA cash cards. Examples of allowable recognition would be MAPE apparel/items, retailer gift card (gas, restaurant, grocery, etc.), not to exceed $100/6 months or a group meal. General distribution of local funds to members is not permitted.
Organizing and Political Grant and Procedures Fund
Delegate Assemble Revision Date:
Board of Directors Revision Date: 8/17/2018
Related Information:
MAPE has two funds from which committees, subcommittees, ad hoc committees, locals, regions, members and/or staff can request funding. Funds will be dispersed on a quarterly basis. They are a Political Fund and an Organizing Fund. The amount available will be decided by yearly budget passed at Delegate Assembly.
The Political Fund shall be used to further MAPE and state employee causes and interests in the political arena. Approved Legislative Priorities shall be used as a guide for allocating funds, as well as emerging needs and issues that present themselves. This fund cannot be used to give money to candidates directly.
The Organizing Fund shall be used to build power, increase membership, develop leaders, and for campaigns to better employment conditions and the contract. The fund should be used to generate action and get results, not just to raise awareness.
Confidentiality and Recusal
It is imperative that all members of abovementioned subcommittees, and decision making bodies keep the status and outcomes of application submissions and review confidential until, decisions have been made and grantees are notified.
Recusal: If a member of abovementioned subcommittee is part of a grant or member of the local submitting, it is important that member recuses itself from the review of the particular application. This avoids a potential “conflict of interest” and keeps the review process in tact.
- The Board of Directors will decide on the distribution of the funds based on applications from requesting groups/persons. The President will appoint 2 members to a Political Fund subcommittee and 2 members to an Organizing Fund subcommittee. The board will appoint up 3 board members to each subcommittee.
- The subcommittees will review all applications for funds received by established due date for each quarter.
- The subcommittees will make recommendations to the Board of Directors each quarter.
- Once approved by the Board of Directors, funds will be available to the grantee. Those funds must only be spent on the stated reasons provided in the application during the time period indicated on the application. Any unused funds will be returned to the fund from which it was granted.
Application due dates and review dates are as follows:
Application due date Reviewed at this Board of Directors meeting Funding will be available starting June 15, 2018 July 2018 The day after the meeting September 15, 2018 October 2018 The day after the meeting November 15, 2018 December, 2018 January 1, 2019 February 15, 2019 March, 2019 April 1, 2019 May 15, 2019 June, 2019 July 1, 2019 August 15, 2019 September, 2019 October 1, 2019
This table expires October 2, 2019. Applications will be due on the 15th of the month prior to the quarterly board meetings in March, June, October & December. Funding will be made available on the first day of the month following board meeting approval.
If circumstances arise where a person or group needs funds before the next application cycle outlined above, they may request funds using an expedited process. This process can be used if the following conditions are met:
- The request is due to unforeseen circumstances. No reasonable person would have been able to predict the funds would be needed during the last quarterly application cycle.
- The request is time limited. Funds should only be provided for short term needs. If the need extends beyond the current quarter, only funds should be requested for what is needed until the next application cycle.
- The request $10,000 or less. The Executive Committee, by recommendation of the subcommittee chairs and without approval of the full board may only approve funding of less than this amount by electronic means. If these conditions are met, the person or group requesting funds can put in an expedited application. They are to fill out the same application as for all other requests but mark it “expedited” when submitting it. The Executive Committee will review and approve, amend or deny the request within 10 days using the same criteria as for other proposals, but also ensuring the above conditions are met.
Decisions on awarding funds will be based on the priorities of MAPE and criteria determined by the Board of Directors.
- Scoring matrices, a grant plan and budget template will be used in evaluating each proposal. The scoring matrices may be different for the two different funds.
- Scoring matrices, grant plan & budget template will be developed by the subcommittees and approved by the board.
- Grant request materials and scoring matrices will be available to all potential requesters ahead of the applications being due for each quarter.
- The subcommittees will use the matrices and grant materials as a tool for evaluating each proposal, but they are just a tool to help determine which will be funded and not the only items to be considered when deciding how to allocate funds.
- The subcommittees will recommend funding proposals, reduced funding of proposals or not funding proposals. The Board of Directors will vote on the subcommittees recommendations.
To apply for funds, applicants will need to submit an application and supporting documents indicating which fund they are requesting from.
- Applications will be submitted via email to:
- Application forms will be available for each fund along with guidelines as to what should be included as supporting documentation and the scoring matrices that have been approved.
- Applications must include an application, draft budget and grant plan indicating how much money is requested, how the money will be spent, and specific and measurable goals that will be met with the funds.
- Applicants can come each quarter for funds. Approval or denial from one quarter does not ensure approval or denial in a subsequent quarter.
Applicants that are denied funding or approved for funding less than requested, may appeal.
- Appeals should be sent in writing to the email box
- Applicants appealing funding decisions will be allowed to present at to the Statewide President and subcommittee chairs. This three-person panel will provide a recommendation to the Board of Directors at the next board meeting.
- The Board of Directors will make a final decision. The subcommittee chairs will notify the applicant of their decision. Grantees are responsible to report back to the Board on how funds spent and how their goals were met.
- Grant status reports are due by noon on the second Friday of the month. Grantees shall submit their reports to: MAPE staff will provide the subcommittees with the monthly status reports via email.
- Grantees will work with the grant subcommittee to obtain budget status. The grant budget status is contained in the MAPE financial report.
- The grant status report must include specifically how the money was spent and evaluation of the goals that were stated in the application.
- Failure to submit a timely report will exclude a grantee from submitting a subsequent application. If circumstances exist where a report cannot be submitted, a future applicant can appeal to the board to waive the report requirement. The board will vote on the appeal.
Scholarship Policy
Revised: May 2022
Summary: Defines the criteria and the awarding process for MAPE scholarships.
Policy: Professional employees need ongoing training to maintain their competency, enhance their professional development, and fulfill their continuing education requirements. Training opportunities are rapidly shrinking in the public sector, making it increasingly difficult for professional employees to get their training needs met. Four scholarships are offered to members, and one to spouses and dependents of MAPE members:
- General Scholarship
- For individual MAPE members
- For degree or non-degree seeking continuing education
- The award must be used within 18 months
- Available funds dependent on resolution passed at Delegate Assembly (maximum award of $1,000 per applicant)
- Spouse/ Dependent Scholarship
- The applicant is the potential recipient of the scholarship and they must be a dependent or spouse of a MAPE member
- A spouse must be legally married
- A dependent must be a child under the age of 26
- For degree or non-degree seeking continuing education
- The award must be used within 18 months.
- Available funds dependent on resolution passed at Delegate Assembly (maximum award of $500 per applicant)
- Ralph Cornelia Professional Development Scholarship
- Ralph Cornelia was a MAPE union activist and an advocate of professional development training from Local 1303. As a Department of Corrections psychologist, Ralph regularly participated in training activities to increase his competency. For many years, Ralph was the only officer and the only steward for MAPE Local 1303. In keeping with his values, the scholarship provides funding for professional employees to maintain their competency and fulfill their continuing education requirements. For individuals or groups (such as a local; a group of members, associate members; or stewards in a region)
- For job-related, non-degree seeking continuing education.
- The award must be used within 18 months
- Available funds dependent on resolution passed at Delegate Assembly (maximum award of $1,000 per application)
- Thomas Kernan Labor Scholarship.
Thomas Kernan was a long-time MAPE union activist at the Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI). He initially assisted in the formation of AFSCME Local 2672, which represented the employees of DOLI, and served as the local's chief steward. When MAPE became the bargaining unit for professional employees, Thomas began serving as the MAPE Representative and Chief Association Representative for DOLI as well as attending numerous Delegate Assemblies. He also completed his law studies and became a member of the Minnesota Bar Association during his career. In honor of his work, the scholarship is dedicated to assisting members who attend labor-related courses.- For individual MAPE members
- For labor-related studies
- The award must be used within 18 months
- Available funds dependent on resolution passed at Delegate Assembly (maximum award of $1,000 per applicant)
- Marge Ramsey Scholarship
- Marge Ramsey was an active MAPE union member from Cambridge, MN, and served on the MAPE Board of Directors for many years. The Marge Ramsey Scholarship assists union women in both leadership and career development. Award determinations will be based on current and former labor activism, professional development goals, and financial need. For individual MAPE members, female only
- For job-related, non-degree seeking continuing education
- The award must be used within 18 months
- Available funds dependent on resolution passed at Delegate Assembly (maximum award of $3,000 per applicant)
Award determinations are based on criteria such as need, current or former MAPE involvement, and professional development goals. The scholarship review committee maintains the ability to add and refine information requested on the application, as well as the scoring criteria used to evaluate applicants. Scoring criteria may include basic criteria beyond eligibility that must be met in order to receive a scholarship. Applicants should specify the particular scholarship(s) for which they would like to be considered.
Although member awards can be as large as $3,000, the number and size of awards depends largely on the number of members applying. The Scholarship Subgroup selects scholarship recipients, and the committee’s decisions are final.
Applications will be accepted beginning June 1 (any received before June 1 will not be considered). All applications must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. CDT on June 30. Applications arriving before or after this time will not be considered.
Applicants will be sent application receipt acknowledgements by email and notice of award or non-award of scholarships by email. Scholarship winners will be formally announced at the annual Delegate Assembly in the fall. Attendance at the Delegate Assembly is not a requirement to receive a scholarship.
The Scholarship Committee in conjunction with MAPE staff will maintain records of applications, scores, and awarded scholarships for at least three years.
- An applicant must be a member or the spouse or dependent of a member when submitting a scholarship application and, if eligible for membership, remain a member until completing training funded, or partially funded, by the scholarship.
- An applicant may submit a membership application with a scholarship application.
- A member on a leave of absence may use a scholarship.
- For group training funded, or partially funded, by a Ralph Cornelia Scholarship, the recipient must provide an opportunity for non-members who wish to attend the training to become members immediately before the start of training. Non-members will be permitted to attend the training only if they join online in the presence of the recipient or complete a membership application and give it to the scholarship recipient or other member designated to register attendees, who will submit it to the MAPE office.
- Statewide officers and Scholarship Committee members may not submit an application but may attend group training funded or partially funded by a Ralph Cornelia Scholarship.
- A member can receive a maximum award of $6,000 per person in four calendar years.
- A member who does not use an awarded scholarship is not eligible for award for two calendar years.
- The applicant must be a dependent or spouse of a MAPE member.
- A spouse must be legally married.
- A dependent must be a child under the age of 26.
- We may ask for verification of spouse or dependent status.
- Only complete applications will be considered. An application will be considered complete when all the required information has been submitted. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to ensure completeness.
- Application forms will be found on the MAPE website and a communication will be sent when the application is live.
- All application submissions will be done on an electronic, fillable form on the MAPE website. A link to that form will be sent out via e-mail.
- Timeliness. Scholarships will not be awarded for debts incurred prior to June 1 of the application year.
- Completeness and amount of detail in the application. Applicants should explain exactly what the scholarship will be used for (course name and provider), where, and when and not merely provide a Web address for the institution or company providing the training. An application merely indicating the applicant is likely to look for some training to take if awarded a scholarship will be rejected.
- Degree. Work toward an undergraduate degree will be considered a higher priority than work towards a graduate degree.
- Purpose.
- Scholarships are awarded for career development or to increase knowledge likely to be useful to a MAPE leader.
- Scholarships are not awarded for membership or license fees or lost time.
- Scholarships may be used for a preparatory course for a test for a license or certification.
- Institution. An application for training at a public institution will be considered more favorably than for training at a private institution.
- Spouse/Dependent will have a maximum of 20 scholarships awarded in the amount of $500.00 each (funded at $10,000.00). The award must be used within 18 months.
- Before receiving payment, scholarship recipients must provide verification of receipts of actual costs (may include tuition, course materials, travel, and lodging expenses) and acceptance to a training facility. Scholarship money is usually paid out as a reimbursement of actual expense. Only in a rare case (e.g., extreme financial need), may a scholarship be paid in advance. (Applicants may notify the Scholarship Committee of an extreme need by emailing
- To receive reimbursement, recipients must provide a receipt or other proof of the expense. The document(s) must be sent via email to
- To receive payment for group training funded, or partially funded, by a Ralph Cornelia Scholarship, the recipient must send a copy of the sign-in sheet to
- Scholarship awards must be used within 18 months. Only in extreme cases will the Scholarship Committee consider an extension. (Applicants with an extreme need can email the Scholarship Committee at to request an extension.)
- Scholarship funds must be used for the purpose identified on the application and no requests for alternative uses will be considered.