Members represent MAPE at Minnesota Corrections Association Conference

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DOC Tabling at MCA

Members and staff represented MAPE at the Minnesota Corrections Association Annual Fall Conference last week in Duluth.

“This experience was great for our union!” explained Angie Halseth, MAPE Statewide Vice President and Department of Corrections (DOC) caseworker. “We had wonderful conversations with Corrections employees from across the state. We had a warden stop by to congratulate us on our contract and thank us for our work, a nonprofit director asking how his staff could get in a union and met people from MINNCOR, the field, facilities and central office who are represented by MAPE.”

MAPE was an event sponsor that allowed exposure during tabling, hospitality night and included conference admission for 10 people. The MAPE booth provided exposure to around 400 Corrections workers from across the state, almost half of whom were MAPE- represented.

“I was thrilled we were able to take eight MAPE members and two staff who would not have

Hospitality table

been able to attend without our sponsorship,” continued Halseth. “The keynotes were fabulous - a great mix of education and entertainment. One focused on stress reduction, a topic that is always a concern for workers in our field.”

The sponsorship will also allow participants membership for the full year to all Minnesota Corrections Association trainings. “The breakout sessions at the conference and training throughout the year focus on evidence-based best practices and the future of Corrections,” said Halseth.

One breakout was on legislative priorities presented by DOC Commissioner Paul Schnell. He also congratulated MAPE on our contract wins and noted he expects MAPE will be eyeing bigger raises for their employees coming on the heels of AFSME’s big wins for their DOC members.

Hospitality night activities

MAPE also hosted a hospitality night table that had a prize on the line for best theme. Halseth and her team came up with an idea for a 90s themed experience that included goody bags with candy favorites from the decade. Participants could also get temporary 90s tattoos that were a big hit. “Hospitality night was a blast. Our jobs are stressful, so this was the perfect time to connect and have some fun,” explained Halseth. “I wanted us to have a fun table so people would want to come and chat with us, and it paid off big time both in connections and because we won the hospitality night contest which gives us a free sponsorship next year!”

“This was such an amazing experience, and we look forward to MAPE’s continued involvement at the conference and the association throughout the year,” Halseth continued. “My next goal is to see what other agencies have similar associations that MAPE could get involved with so we can continue to grow MAPE’s exposure and connections across our membership.”