Corrections meet and confer minutes April 20, 2018

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Department of Corrections Meet and Confer April 20, 2018

Present for MAPE: Carmen Goldsmith, Cheri Humphrey, Valerie LaPorte, Brian Moreau, Jill Tharalson, Sadie Watts and Business Agent: Debbie Prokopf.

Present for Management: Allen Godfrey, Bruce Reiser, Jackie Sovick, Michelle Smith, Nan Larson, and Lisa Wojcik.



Update on Sports Medicine Specialist Hay Study – MAPE asked for an update on the sports medicine specialist Hay Study. The classification is on the list for a study to be completed. The order of classifications on the list is determined by DOC management. Management anticipates work will begin on the Hay rating request within the next couple of months. MAPE has been asking about this Hay Study for quite some time.

Update on Internship policy for non-student employees – A committee was recently formed to develop a policy for the department. The committee has met but is on hold right now but expects to resume in the next couple of months.

Update on policy regarding supervision hours for Behavioral Health staff – Management had a conversation with behavioral health supervisors. Management understands that there are staff who need clinical supervision. Management cannot force a supervisor to clinically supervise an employee obtaining a licensure. In order to ensure that clinical supervision opportunities exist, if a staff needs clinical supervision and it is denied at the facility level, the staff should contact the associate director of behavioral health for their facility. That associate director will bring the issue to Central Office Health Services Director to see if there is a resolution. MAPE will follow up at the next meet and confer and ask for a process to be documented.


Staff assaults at OPH – MAPE is concerned how employees were informed of an incident at OPH as some heard it on the news. They asked if information could be posted sooner on iShare or could there be an expectation that the information be posted by the Warden within a few days of the incident. Management stated that the information is posted as soon as possible but staff well-being and the security of the facility is the priority. A critical incident stress debriefing was held at OPH for employees directly impacted by the incident. Todd Kohl from Employee Assistance Program (EAP) was at the facility talking with staff. If there are questions/concerns raised about an incident, inform management so they can address the questions or find someone who can answer the questions. As senior staff, we ask that you talk with staff and assist them on how to handle situations. We all have a responsibility to help each other. MAPE asked if more training on safety could be made available to employees. Management asked to make the request to management teams at the facilities. This subject will need to continue to be discussed in upcoming meetings.

New performance reviews at Shakopee – MAPE stated that Shakopee has a new performance review template. They asked if it will be rolled out to all facilities. Management stated that it has been in place for two years at Shakopee. The Warden moved from evaluating the tasks one performs to competency based evaluations. The templates are attached. Management stated at this time there are no plans to roll it out to all facilities. Update: The performance review form used at Shakopee has individual job responsibilities and an Overall Evaluation Rating which will be used/reviewed as part of the caseworker career promotional process. MAPE will be following up as this does not appear equitable.

Flexibility in Paid Parental Leave (PPL) Usage – MAPE asked if there is flexibility when using PPL. They stated other agencies are allowing flexibility. Management is having discussions on the pros/cons of allowing flexibility. Flexibility works better in some work units than others. Management will provide an update to MAPE.

Process for Requesting and Granting New Private Sector Service Credit for Vacation – MAPE asked where DOC is at with granting private sector service credit for vacation accruals. Management stated requests should be submitted to the Appointing Authority who makes the decision on whether or not to grant the service credit. If an employee has a question/concern they should work with their supervisor, HR, or the Appointing Authority. The Appointing Authority has the discretion to grant length of service credit.

Flex Time for Field Agents who take after hour calls from Law Enforcement – MAPE asked when agents should be compensated for answering phone calls after normal work hours. Management stated that if an employee takes a phone call off hours that lasts more than a de minimis amount of time then this time would be included in work hours.   Per A Godfrey, above 0.25 hours should be included on the time sheet and flexed.

Update on Wifi use for Field Services – Management stated Field Services staff are now able to use Wifi on their laptops when working in the courthouses. This allows the agents to use their computers pending court activities.

Field Services Contact Standards – Management stated effective May 1, 2018 contact standards have been changed. The changes focus on the quality of the visits rather than the quantity. Some of the standards have been reduced. An email was sent out to all Field Services staff announcing this change.

Criminal History Automation – The process of collecting and recording offender criminal histories has been automated. Records, IT, and caseworkers have been working on this automated process for quite some time and official roll out was 4/30/18. The Sentence Administration Unit will be managing this new automated process. This new process will save work for caseworkers at intake facilities, Risk Assessment/Community Notification unit, and the Victim Assistance/Restorative Justice unit.

Legislative Updates - The DOC request was for three very basic needs: fund the $7.8 million for the required offender health care contract, provide for the projected increase in the offender population to pay the bill for using county jail beds, and begin pre-release medical assisted treatment for offenders who have been assessed with an opioid-related disorder to prevent possible opioid related deaths.

The Senate Judiciary Committee bill does include $6.6 million for just the health care portion of the contract. The Senate committee does not include the much needed and legally required electronic health care record system. The House Public Safety Committee bill does not include anything for the DOC. Most of the spending in the House Public Safety bill is for the Guardian Ad Litem Board and several bills to increase probation for felony criminal sexual conduct.

The DOC’s requests are part of a much larger state budget that includes taxes and the bonding bill. The pension bill also plays a role since the House still has not voted on it.

*Next Meet and Confer Date – September 19, 2018 at 1:00 at MAPE