Tentative Agreements 2021-2023 Contract
MAPE has 30 proposals. Those with an 'X' in front means it has been tentatively agreed (TA) to by Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB)
Total TA from MMB = 0
___ U01 Equity Diversity Inclusion
___ U02 Connect 700
___ U03 Temporary & Other Unclassified
___ U04 Allow Vacation to Deferred Comp
___ U05 Holidays
___ U06 Length of Service Credit/ Private Sector Vacation Credit
___ U07 Pay Equity Adjustments
___ U08 Overtime- Time worked for non-exempt employees
___ U09 Allow returning state employees to maintain vacation accruals rates
___ U10 Telework
___ U11 Flexible Schedules/ Flex Time
___ U12 Respectful Workplace
___ U13 Discipline
___ U14 Phased Retirement
___ U15 Emergency: Disaster Leave w/Pay, Safety Committee
___ U16 Voluntary Retirement Incentive
___ U17 Paid Family Leave
___ U18 Paid Parental Leave
___ U19 Bereavement Leave
___ U20 Sick Leave Use
___ U21 Sick Leave Pool
___ U22 Tuition Reimbursement
___ U23 Tuition Waiver
___ U24 Severance Pay
___ U25 Deferred Compensation Increase
___ U26 Vacation Accruals
___ U27 Reallocation & Job Audits
___ U28 Student Loan Payment Reimbursement
___ U29 Add a step at the top/drop a step at the bottom
___U30 Cost of Living Adjustment
The State has 132 proposals. Those with an 'X' in front means it has been tentatively agreed to by MAPE
Total TA from MAPE = 46
_X_ 1. Update Current Contract Cycle (21-23) and Table of Contents to reflect final agreement
_X_ 2. Gender-specific pronouns that were missed last round throughout the contract updated.
_X_ 3. Change “&” in Minnesota Management & Budget to “and.” PREAMBLE
_X_ 4. Technical changes of the effective year.
___ 5. Add language to fix clerical errors discovered.
_X_ 6. Section 1. Recognition. Technical change to clarify language.
___ 7. Section 2. Fair Share Deduction. Delete language as fair share fees cannot be collected and renumber remaining sections.
_X_ 8. Section 4. General Policy. Technical change add close parentheses.
___ 9. Section 4. General Policy. Modify language to refer to HR/LR Policy.
___ 10. Section 5. Prohibition of Sexual Harassment. Modify language to reference to HR/LR Policy and URL to policy.
_X_ 11. Section 1. Job Classification Specifications. Add language to clarify that Association discussion of classifications occurs with MMB.
___ 12. Section 2. Position Description. Delete requirement of internal departmental appeal procedure.
___ 13. Section 4. Appointing Authority Initiated Education. Modify language to allow balancing of hours for employees attending special training.
___ 14. Section 4. Appointing Authority Initiated Education. Delete language referencing Section 6 Responsibilities for Training and Development
_X_ 15. Section 5. Employee Initiated Training. Technical change to reflect updated AP Title “Employee Learning and Development.”
___ 16. Section 5. Employee Initiated Training. Delete language referencing Section 6 Responsibilities for Training and Development
___ 17. Section 6. Responsibilities for Training and Development. Delete section and renumber remaining sections.
___ 18. Section 9. Certification and Licensure. Delete language for when Appointing Authorities add new requirements for licensure or certification that they meet and negotiate regarding expenses.
___ 19. Section 2. Bulletin Boards. Delete section and renumber remaining sections.
_X_ 20. Section 5. Availability of Information. Technical change to “Employer Public Financial Information.”
___ 21. Section 6. Association Security. A. Association Stewards. Add language for MAPE to also notify MMB of the association stewards every six months, in addition to notify the Employers.
___ 22. Section 6. Association Security. A. Association Stewards. Add language for MAPE to notify Employer in a timely manner of changes to stewards.
___ 23. Section 6. Association Security. B. Association Stewards’ Activities. Add language clarifying reasonable time for distributing Association newsletters as not to exceed 5 minutes.
___ 24. Section 6. Association Security. B. Association Stewards’ Activities. Delete reference to bulletin boards.
_X_ 25. Section 6. Association Security. C. Association Staff. Technical change add to subsection title “Association Staff Rights.”
___ 26. Section 6. Association Security. D. Orientation. Add language clarifying reasonable time for orientations as not exceeding 10 minutes
___ 27. Section 3. Disciplinary Action. Modify numbering to bulleted list.
___ 28. Section 3. Disciplinary Action. Add Reduction of step(s) to possible disciplinary actions and explanation of parameters.
___ 29. Section 4. Investigatory Leave. Add language clarifying that information provided regarding the status of investigations is in accordance with the MGDPA.
_X_ 30. Section 5. Discharge of Employees. Technical pronoun change.
___ 31. Section 6. Unclassified Employees. Modify language for the termination of unclassified employees is not be subject to grievance provisions.
___ 32. Section 7. Personnel File. Modify language for employees to request to receive a copy of evaluative and disciplinary entries in their personnel file and have their written response included.
___ 33. Section 7. Personnel File. Remove timelines for discipline removal.
___ 34. Section 7. Personnel File. Modify language regarding documentation that can be used in a disciplinary hearing.
_X_ 35. Section 2. Operating Terms, Time Limits, and General Principles. B. Time limits.
___ 36. Section 2. Operating Terms, Time Limits, and General Principles. C. General Principles: NEW 1. Grievance Conduct.
___ 37. Section 2. Operating Terms, Time Limits, and General Principles. C. General Principles: 5. Release Time.
___ 38. Section 2. Operating Terms, Time Limits, and General Principles. C. General Principles: 5. Release Time. Modify for Association Steward
___ 39. Section 2. Operating Terms, Time Limits, and General Principles. C. General Principles: 5. Release Time. Modify for Association Steward to request written permission Regardless of the step
___ 40. NEW Section 8. Employees who Voluntarily Separate. Where employees voluntarily leave state service, grievances where they are a grievant are automatically withdrawn.
_X_ 41. Section 2. Operating Terms, Time Limits, and General Principles. C. General Principles: 8. Implementation. Technical change
_X_ 42. Section 2. Operating Terms, Time Limits, and General Principles. C. General Principles: 9. Grievances. Technical change
_X_ 43. Section 3. Procedure. Informal. Technical change. Add to title “Informal Grievance.”
_X_ 44. Section 3. Procedure. Formal Technical change. Add to title “Formal Grievance.”
___ 45. Section 3. Procedure. Formal Step 1. Add “manager” to …immediate supervisor’s supervisor/manager.
___ 46. Section 3. Procedure. Formal Step 1. Add “either” and “or Association.”
_X_ 47. Section 3. Procedure. Formal Step 1. Modify to clarify written response is provided within 10 calendar days after the meeting.
_X_ 48. Section 3. Procedure. Formal Step 2. Modify Assistant Commissioner of Minnesota Management & Budget (State Labor Negotiator) to Assistant State Negotiator, or designee.
_X_ 49. Section 3. Procedure. Formal Step 2. Add language clarifying that arbitrations are to be scheduled on mutually agreeable dates.
_X_ 50. Section 3. Procedure. Arbitration Panel. Modify title to “Arbitration.”
_X_ 51. Section 3. Procedure. Arbitration Panel. Modify language to eliminate arbitration panel and replace with arbitrators being selected from arbitrator lists from BMS.
_X_ 52. Section 4. Arbitrator’s Authority. Change pronoun.
___ 53. Section 4. Arbitrator’s Authority. In cases where just cause is established in cases of patient or other abuse, the arbitrator cannot change the discharge of the employee who committed abuse.
_X_ 54. Section 5. Expedited Arbitration for Written Reprimands and Suspensions of One (1) to Five (5) Days. B. Expediated Arbitration Panel. Modify title to “Expedited Arbitration.” Expedited Arbitration Panel
_X_ 55. Section 5. Expedited Arbitration for Written Reprimands and Suspensions of One (1) to Five (5) Days. B. Expediated Arbitration Panel. Modify language to eliminate arbitration panel and replace with arbitrators being selected from arbitrator lists from BMS.
_X_ 56. Section 6. Veterans Arbitration Option. Technical change add “Preference” to the title Veterans Preference Arbitration Option.
_X_ 57. Section 6. Veterans Arbitration Option. Technical change capitalize Agreement.
___ 58. Section 1. General Conditions. A. Eligibility. Delete intermittent employee eligibility for vacation leave.
_X_ 59. Section 1. General Conditions. B. Crediting and Use of Vacation Upon Entry. Technical change update title to reflect subsection by adding “…to State Service.”
_X_ 60. Section 1. General Conditions. B. Crediting and Use of Vacation Upon Entry. Add language allowing employees in a C700 appointment to accrue and use leave
___ 61. Section 2. Accruals. Technical change to delete outdated language.
_X_ 62. Section 1. Eligibility. Add language allowing employees in a C700 appointment to be eligible for holiday pay.
___ 63. Section 2. Observed Holidays. Rename Holidays.
_X_ 64. Section 4. Holiday Pay. Clarify the number of hours employee received or holiday.
_X_ 65. Section 4. Holiday Pay. Add language to allow, subject to supervisor approval, an employee to arrange their work schedules…
___ 66. Section 6. Religious Holidays. Add language clarifying that hours made up must be within the FLSA work week for non-exempt employees.
_X_ 67. Section 1. Sick Leave Accumulation. Add language allowing employees in a C700 appointment to be eligible for holiday pay…
___ 68. Section 1. Sick Leave Accumulation. Delete intermittent employee eligibility for sick leave.
_X_ 69. Section 3. Sick Leave Use. B. Others. 1. Add parent…
___ 70. Section 2. Leaves with Pay. F. Emergency Leave. Add reference to enabling statute for emergency leave.
___ 71. Section 3. Unpaid Leaves of Absence. D. Association Leave. Modify where Association sends notice of Association Leave for Master Bargaining.
___ 72. Section 3. Unpaid Leaves of Absence. D. Association Leave. Modify notice of leave to 30 days.
___ 73. Section 3. Unpaid Leaves of Absence. D. Association Leave. Modify for mutual agreement to allow employee’s Association leave beyond one (1) year.
___ 74. Section 3. Unpaid Leaves of Absence. F. Medical Leave. Change the medical leave to be discretionary by the Appointing Authority.
___ 75. Section 3. Unpaid Leaves of Absence. F. Medical Leave. Limit leave to one (1) year per illness or injury.
___ 76. Section 5. Reinstatement After Leave. Add that an employee’s failure to contact the Appointing Authority if an extension is needed or if the employee does not return to work at the end of their leave is considered a voluntary resignation.
___ 77. Section 1. Definitions. D. Classification Seniority. 4. Reallocations. Eliminate outdated reference.
___ 78. Section 2. Seniority Earned Under Previous collective Bargaining Agreements. Eliminate outdated reference.
___ 79. Section 3. Seniority Rosters. Add language to allow for placement on either physical or electronic bulletin boards.
_X_ 80. Section 3. Seniority Rosters. Delete language referencing to providing two (2) copies to Association Executive Director.
_X_ 81. Section 4. Appeals. Technical change add “Seniority Roster” to title Seniority Roster Appeals. Page 16 of 31 ARTICLE 16 – VACANCIES, FILLING OF POSITIONS
___ 82. Expanding distance in all cases in Article from 35 to 50 miles
___ 83. Section 3. Job Posting and Interest Bidding. Add minimum qualifications to job posting.
___ 84. Section 3. Job Posting and Interest Bidding. Delete reference to Junior/Senior Plans.
_X_ 85. Section 4. Filling of Positions. Modify language regarding status of employee’s interest bid to include they are under consideration.
___ 86. Section 4. Filling of Positions. A. Seniority Unit Layoff List. Delete reference to class option.
___ 87. Section 4. Filling of Positions. B. Claiming. Modify to add clarify employee can claim on notice of permanent layoff.
___ 88. Section 4. Filling of Positions. B. Claiming. Delete “classification of the” claimed position as redundant.
___ 89. Section 4. Filling of Positions. C. Other Means of Filling the Vacancy. Replace numbering with bullet points.
___ 90. Section 4. Filling of Positions. C. Other Means of Filling the Vacancy. Multi-Source Recruitment and Selection Process. Add “or” to clarify…
___ 91. Section 4. Filling of Positions. C. Other Means of Filling the Vacancy. Multi-Source Recruitment and Selection Process. Delete requirement of which candidate to hire if top two candidates equal and one is in the bargaining unit.
___ 92. Section 5. Reclassification. B. Effects of Reallocation on the Filling of Positions. Delete notification to Association of any reallocations/reclassifications.
___ 93. Section 6. Probationary Period. Modify language to provide extension notice to both Association and employee.
___ 94. Expanding distance in all cases in Article from 35 to 50 miles
___ 95. Section. 1. Definition of Layoff. Employees places on furlough are not defined as being on layoff.
___ 96. Section. 2. Labor-Management Cooperation. Add language to allow for additional options in Agreement.
_X_ 97. Section 3. Permanent Layoff. A. Layoff Procedures. 2. Advance Notice. Eliminate mail requirement to allow for electronic notice to Association Executive Director.
___ 98. Section. 3. Permanent Layoff. A. Layoff Procedures. 3. Layoff Notification. Add language show shared interest in diverse workforce…
___ 99. Section 3. Permanent Layoff. A. Layoff Procedures. 4. Layoff Options. Eliminate bumping AND Section 3. Permanent Layoff. A. Layoff Procedures. 5. Claiming. Add employee’s right to consideration of promotional vacancies when in claiming period.
___ 100. Section 3. Permanent Layoff. A. Layoff Procedures. 4. Layoff Options. Employer determines employee is qualified to do work. Eliminate class option.
___ 101. Section 3. Permanent Layoff. A. Layoff Procedures. 5. Claiming. Focus on claiming rights for a class as long as employee is qualified for position.
_X_ 102. Section 3. Permanent Layoff. A. Layoff Procedures. 5. Claiming. Added clarification regarding status to which employee is returning.
___ 103. Section. 3. Permanent Layoff. A. Layoff Procedures. NEW 7. Furlough. Add language allowing for furloughs to be declared for events…
___ 104. Section 3. Permanent Layoff. B. Conditions for Bumping of Accepting Vacancies. 2. Focus on bumping rights for overall class seniority as long as employee is qualified for position.
___ 105. Section 3. Permanent Layoff. B. Conditions for Bumping of Accepting Vacancies. Break out paragraph to additional number.
___ 106. Section 3. Permanent Layoff. B. Conditions for Bumping of Accepting Vacancies. Add new number with language to require the employee is qualified for the position into which they bump.
___ 107. Section. 3. Permanent Layoff. B. Conditions for Bumping. C. Junior/Senior Plans. Delete. Technical renumbering.
_X_108. Section 3. Permanent Layoff. D. Return to the Bargaining Unit through Outside Layoff. Pronoun change.
_X_ 109. Section 3. Permanent Layoff. E. Layoff List. 3. Bargaining Unit Layoff List/Same Classification. Technical change.
___ 110. Section 3. Permanent Layoff. F. Recall. Change language to position qualified.
___ 111. Section 3. Permanent Layoff. F. Recall. Remove certified mail.
___ 112. Section. 3. Permanent Layoff. G. Removal from Layoff Lists.
___ 113. Section. 4. Seasonal Layoff. B. Recall from Seasonal Layoff. Remove certified mail. An employee on seasonal layoff shall be notified…
___ 114. Expanding distance in all cases in Article from 35 to 50 miles
_X_ 115. Section 2. Vehicle Expense. Add “ride-share” to list of transportation options.
___ 116. Section 5. Meal Allowances. B. Noon Meal. Modify “Noon Meal” to be eligible must be in travel status overnight or before 6:00 a.m.
___ 117. Section 5. Meal Allowances. D. Reimbursement Amount. Delete list of high cost metropolitan areas and use IRS list (excluding any cities within Minnesota).
___ 118. Expanding distance in all cases in Article from 35 to 50 miles ARTICLE 20 – INSURANCE Reserved for coalition bargaining.
___ 119. Clarify what is required (submission of an application) for requesting transfer to a position with another Appointing Authority.
___ 120. Section 5. Progression. Modify language so increases are tied specifically to the lifecycle of the contract and not beyond.
_X_ 121. Section 5. Progression. Customized Training Representative. Technical change.
___ 122. Section 7. Salary Upon Class Change. G. Reallocation Downward. Modify language so employee’s whose position are allocated downward do not receive a salary above the position’s pay range.
___ 123. Section 8. Work out of Class. When the employee’s Work out of Class assignment is to a classification in a different bargaining unit…
___ 124. Section 8. Work out of Class. Delete 12 month limit on work out of class assignments.
_X_ 125. Section 9. Shift Differential. Add language that employees who request and are approved to work before 6AM or after 7PM are not eligible for shift differential.
___ 126. Section 10. Injury on Duty. A. Hazardous Occupation Injuries. Add language to resistance to being restrained not qualifying and clarify pay per “instance” leading to a disabling injury.
___ 127. Section 1. General Provisions. A. Scheduling. Modify from 14 to 7 days’ notice of schedule change and allow for mutual agreement to waive new 7 day notice.
___ 128. Section 1. General Provisions. B. Flex-time Plans. Add language to clarify flex-time is consistent with FLSA and other laws.
_X_ 129. Section 1. General Provisions. C. Meal Periods. Delete language prohibiting lunch period from being taken at the beginning or end of the day.
___ 130. Section 1. General Provisions. NEW E. Part-Time Employment. New language to allow for temporary schedule changes from FT to PT and PT to FT.
___ 131. Section 1. General Provisions. I. Recommendations on FLSA Status. Delete and technical section renumbering.
_X_ 132. Section 3. Exempt Employees. B. Balancing Hours. Add language that exempt employees may work on normal days off.
___ 135. Delete Letter 4 - Layoffs (August 18, 2003)
___ 136. Delete Letter 6 - Administrative Procedure 1.2 (August 3, 2005)
___ 137. Delete Letter 8 - Job Audits (July 9, 2007)
___ 138. Delete Letter 9 - Subcontracting (June 20, 2017)
___ 139. Delete Letter 11 - Phased Retirement Pilot (July 9, 2019)
___ 140. Delete Letter 12 - Career Development JLMC (August 23, 2017)
___ 141. Delete Letter 13 - Career Mapping (July 9, 2019)
___ 142. Delete Letter 14 - Recruiting Incentive, Employee Referral Incentive, and Equity Adjustments – Pilots (July 9, 2019)
___ 143. Delete Letter 15 - Student Loan Reimbursement Pilot Opt-in