Student Loan Reimbursement Talking Points


  • Let’s make the State of Minnesota an employer of choice. To invest in their current employees, and recruit new ones, one out of three businesses offer some form of student loan reimbursement. It’s time (agency) invested in its employees!  

  • Many of the professional jobs we’re employed in require advanced degrees and training to help improve the lives of Minnesotans. These advanced degrees help us better design and evaluate programming for patients and clients. This is why we got these degrees and why (Agency) should help us repay our student loans.  

  • Some of us have very high loan payments and often we must decide which house bills, or after-school fees or clothes for our kids, won’t be paid that month so we don’t default on our student loans. We’re investing in the Minnesotans we serve and (Agency) should invest in those of us serving them.   

  • It comes down to fairness. How you treat your people will result in how long employees will stay – if they think they’re being taken care of, they will stay. It’s a moral question. It’s the Department of HUMAN Services. Our values are reflected in how we treat the Minnesotans we serve as well as those who are serving them. 

  • What would you do with the money you’d be saving on student loan payments if the State helped you with your loan payments? 

  • Some members were fortunate to be able to pay off your student loans when interest rates were much lower and borrowers didn’t have to pay interest several times over. This program is for the common good: we all benefit when colleagues stay longer and that institutional knowledge doesn’t walk out the door. Retention improves the work environment most of the time.  

  • Ask for the student loan reimbursement campaign to be taken up during the next budget session. We can’t get this unless you participate in some way – won't happen unless we all fight together for it. 

  • Petitions are a good way to get people involved – will you sign one?     


  • Companies that offer student loan debt relief can more easily attract and retain talent. One-third of employers currently offer some form of student loan support and state government must follow suit to remain competitive. Companies, and county governments, do this to invest in current and future employees. Will you invest in us?  

  •  Many of the professional jobs we’re employed in require advanced degrees and training to help improve the lives of Minnesotans. These advanced degrees help us better design and evaluate programming for patients and clients. This is why we got these degrees and why (Agency) should help us pay back our student loans. 

  • Offering student loan assistance also shows employees that you’re invested in their well-being. When employees know they’re valued, they’re more likely to stay with your company, or state agency, instead of looking for opportunities elsewhere. Will you invest in us?