Operations How-Tos

How do I reach MAPE Operations? 

Email us at mapehq@mape.org, and our team will work to coordinate support for your request. Our duties are outlined below, but we do not expect you to know who to go to for what. Plus, there is a lot of overlap and we all back each other up in case someone is out.

Who is on the MAPE Operations Team and what do they do?

Suzanne Al-Kayali - Director of Operations

Sierra Plunkett - Administrative Specialist II - Merch, Elections, Zoom Phones, Leave Letters, Shared Inboxes

Davia Curran - Membership Database/Information Technology Specialist III - Microsoft 365 Accounts, UnionWare, Zoom, Technology, Dues

Lis Springer - Operations Specialist - Event Planning, Scheduling/Calendaring, Microsoft Accounts, Merch, Leave Letters

Paige Hietpas - Operations Specialist - Event Planning, Forms, Database Entry, Data organization, SOPs/process improvements

Event Planning

At MAPE Headquarters
To request to host an event at MAPE, please fill out the following form: https://forms.office.com/r/adAhDiNddu

You are requesting a space, but we cannot guarantee that the specific room will be available. Operations Staff will coordinate with you to ensure that you have the space you need to achieve your goal.

Event Registration

If your event requires registration on the MAPE portal, please email mapehq@mape.org with your event information. Be as thorough as possible so that we don't need to go back and forth with details.

Note: This can also be done through the Microsoft form above if it is an event at MAPE headquarters.

Website Updating

To keep things up to date for your local web page, we encourage timely document forwarding to mapehq@mape.org. Further, if you notice anything on your local pages that needs to be corrected, always feel free to reach out to us to make changes. We field requests from all MAPE committees and locals, so your patience and follow-up is appreciated.

Meeting Minutes

All meeting minutes should be emailed in a timely manner to mapehq@mape.org so that they can get posted to the website for other members to review. If you have any backlog of minutes that are not posted yet, please send those our way as well so we can get things up to date. Backlogs will not go back more than 2 years and may take time to get posted.

Financial Forms and Inquiries

You can find financial documents and forms at - https://mape.org/financial-forms

Please send all financial forms to Julie and Zen in our accounting department: jlee@mape.org, znguyen@mape.org

If you or your members have questions about how to fill out the forms, please coordinate with your local treasurer or our Statewide Treasurer Chet Jorgenson: chetjorgenson@mape.org

Zoom Accounts

How to set up an account
Go to zoom.com and click on the “Sign Up Free” button in the top right of the screen.  Follow the prompts to complete the setup for a free account.  After it's set up, you can upgrade to a paid account to eliminate time limits on meeting lengths. 

Note: Use an email account that can be accessed by all potential hosts, such as local officers. Every Local has a Gmail address. Contact Davia for log-in information: dcurran@mape.org. Google also offers a free “Meet up” virtual meeting for up to 100 participants for 60 minutes.


If your local does not have a debit card, you can pay for your upgraded Zoom account by ACH using the routing number and account number at the bottom of your checks. Go here for more info:

Benefits of Your Own Zoom Account

When your local has their own Zoom account, you control the meeting links and don't have to rely on MAPE staff to arrange for a license. Soon, MAPE Central will not loan out Zoom licenses, so deciding on a meeting platform now and getting it up and running will eliminate headaches later.

E-mailing Members

Staying connected with your Local is a crucial part of organizing. You can use your state email to send the emails, however, be aware that the employer (dependent on tech policies at your agency) can be deleted, removed or monitored by the employer at any time.

Operations staff recommend using your Local Gmail, personal email or create a separate email for your local. If you need support creating that space, our staff will help you navigate what would work best for you and your local. We also encourage you to connect with your Regional Director who has a MAPE email account. They could help by sending local notices.

How to send a mass email:

  1. Compile your text into the body of your email message. Be sure to include any follow-up/response contact information in case your members have questions.
  2. Add your recipients' email addresses to the BCC field of the email. The email addresses can be found in the Local member report that is sent to Local officers bi-weekly.
  • Please note that brand-new employees may not be included in your report for 2-4 weeks. In this case, please utilize your internal employee directory to connect with these members.
  • If you are using MS Outlook, the maximum quantity of allowable recipients per message is 500. If you are sending to more than 500 recipients, break up the list, then copy and paste your text into an additional email message.
  1. Hit Send!

The same process is used with MS Outlook calendar invites. MS Outlook calendar invitations do not have a BCC field so you will have to add the email addresses to one of the other recipient field options.


Items in Hand:

A MAPE Staff Employee must supervise any items being collected from MAPE merchandise spaces. MAPE buttons, ink pens, stickers, break-away lanyards, and vinyl stickers are free items and are available to all MAPE Locals at no cost.  We cannot guarantee they will be available in the quantity you need with less than a four-week notice, so please plan accordingly.

Per Local Recruitment Reimbursement Policy: MAPE merchandise up to $20.00 is allowed per non-member.

Items for Purchase:

Visit the MAPE Online Store at: https://mapestore.itemorder.com/shop/home/

Purchases can be made on the webstore using a credit card and a reimbursement form can be submitted to our finance department. If you are looking to make a group order, please contact Sierra Plunkett (splunkett@mape.org).

As of February 2025, specialized orders are currently on pause.

Local Reimbursement Form

A Local Reimbursement form needs to be submitted by a Local President if an order is over $500 and NOT on the MAPE website (i.e.: special orders, things that have not already been purchased on behalf of MAPE, non-in-house items). Please request the Local Expense Reimbursement Form via mapehq@mape.org or go to https://mape.org/financial-forms.