Summary of proposed changes to MAPE’s 2015-17 contract
After nearly four months of intensive negotiations, MAPE’s Negotiations Team received a final offer from the governor’s team on June 25, 2015. The following is a summary of the key changes included in this final offer for MAPE's 2015-17 contract:
- 2.5 percent general wage increase retroactive to July 1, 2015.
- 2.5 percent general wage increase on July 1, 2016.
- Progression steps each year of the contract for eligible employees.
- No changes to either the employee or dependent premium percentage amounts (Held at current 5 percent of premiums for employee coverage and 15 percent of premium for dependent coverage).
- Limited increases to several out-of-pocket charges including annual first-dollar deductible, office visit co-pays, prescription drug co-pays and the plan maximum out-of-pocket threshold (see below for details).
- An increase/improvement in the in-network dental coverage from the current 60 percent coverage to a new 80 percent coverage level.
- An increase in the allowable annual professional organization membership reimbursement amount from $250 to $350.
- Unlimited use of sick leave and vacation for initial service dog training.
- Removal of the 24-hour-per-year cap on the use of sick leave to accompany a parent to a medical or dental appointment.
- Paid parental leave: No new benefit at this time, however Gov. Dayton has committed to creating task force that will review the parental leave policies and implement changes for all state employees (not just MAPE employees) based on that review. He has committed to include MAPE in this review process.
- An agreement to work with interested agencies in establishing phased retirement pilot programs.
Other notable language changes:
- Inclusion of anti-workplace bullying language within the contract (making the issue grievable).
- Electronic postings for seven calendar days for bid jobs.
- Changes to extended probationary periods (three month extension now changed to six month extension). However, management is now required to conduct a performance review during the extended review period. Note: the standard (non-extended) probationary period remains at six months.
- Additional travel time (one hour increased to one and one half hours) to allow Greater Minnesota union stewards to participate in grievance-related activities
- Language requiring management to provide information regarding employee ADA accommodation requests giving MAPE the opportunity to advocate for better accommodations for employees with disabilities
- New or revised supplemental agreements were agreed to with the following agencies: DNR, Lottery, MN.IT, MNSCU and Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (within DPS) MAPE will provide more detailed information on the complete proposed contract settlement offer in the near future.
Summary of health insurance changes
1. Employee and dependent co-premiums – no change (it will remain at 5 percent for employee premium and 15 percent for dependent premium).
2. Out-of-pocket charges:
a. Annual first dollar deductible
i. Cost level 1 – current $75/150 to proposed $150/300
ii. Cost level 2 – current $180/360 to proposed $250/500
iii. Cost level 3 – current $400/800 to proposed $550/1100
iv. Cost level 4 – current $1,000/2000 to proposed $1,250/2,500
b. Office visits co-pay
i. Cost level 1 – current $18/23 to proposed $25/30
ii. Cost level 2 – current $23/28 to proposed $30/35
iii. Cost level 3 – current $36/41 to proposed $60/65
iv. Cost level 4 – current $55/60 to proposed $80/85
c. Prescription drug (Rx) co-pay
i. Tier 1 meds – current $12 to proposed $14
ii. Tier 2 meds – current $18 to proposed $25
iii. Tier 3 meds – current $38 to proposed $50
d. Plan maximum out-of-pocket expenses
i. Cost level 1 – current $1,100/$2,200 to proposed $1,200/$2,400
ii. Cost level 2 – current $1,100/$2,200 to proposed $1,200/$2,400
iii. Cost level 3 – current $1,500/$3,000 to proposed $1,600/$3,200
iv. Cost level 4 – current $2,500/$5,000 to proposed $2,600/$5,200