Proposed bylaws change

Publish Date

Dissolution of the Nominations Committee


  • The Nominations Committee hasn’t been funded in many years
  • The Nominations Committee hasn’t been created or seated in many years
  • The Nominations Committee no longer has a place in MAPE’s current organizational structure
  • Leaving the Nominations Committee listed on the budget, in the bylaws, and in MAPE’s organizational structure has a cost attributable to it for time and space used
  • The Nominations Committee can be used by someone in power to wield unnecessary control over the election process

Resolved: The Nominations Committee should be dissolved, Section 11 should be stricken from the official bylaws, all subsequent Sections should be moved up in numerical value to replace it, and the Nominations Committee should be removed from the Election Rules.


Passed by


Finance Workgroup Committee



Contact Name

Contact E-mail Address

Contact Phone

Region 4 Director Ted Snaza


Region 4 Treasurer Ronald Dixon


Region 10 Director Jackie Blagsvedt





What is being amended?

Resulting Language

Bylaw Changes:

Section 11. Nominations Committee.


The Nominations Committee shall consist of five members. It shall serve as Nominations Committee for statewide and regional elections. The Board of Directors shall designate one of the five members as committee chair. The committee’s responsibilities include identifying potential leaders throughout the union and encouraging them to run for office. The committee will make every effort to ensure that there are eligible candidates for all statewide and regional elective positions. The committee will work with local officers and members to identify potential regional leaders, encourage them to run for elective office and make every effort to ensure that there are candidates for all regional elective positions.

Section 12. Organizing Council.


Election Rules Changes:

Article II

Nomination and Elections Committees

The statewide Nominations Committee and the Elections Committee will be appointed per the Bylaws.

Article III


  1. Nominees. The Nominations Committee and local member leaders shall seek out and  encourage qualified persons to run for elective positions.



Bylaw Changes:

Section 11. Nominations Committee.


The Nominations Committee shall consist of five members. It shall serve as Nominations Committee for statewide and regional elections. The Board of Directors shall designate one of the five members as committee chair. The committee’s responsibilities include identifying potential leaders throughout the union and encouraging them to run for office. The committee will make every effort to ensure that there are eligible candidates for all statewide and regional elective positions. The committee will work with local officers and members to identify potential regional leaders, encourage them to run for elective office and make every effort to ensure that there are candidates for all regional elective positions.

Section 11. Organizing Council.[TS1] 


Election Rules Changes:

Article II

Nomination and Elections Committees

The statewide Nominations Committee and the Elections Committee will be appointed per the Bylaws.

Article III


  1. Nominees. The Nominations Committee and Local member leaders shall seek out and  encourage qualified persons to run for elective positions.





 [TS1]Section numbering would continue as normal