President’s Corner - November 2023

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As the year draws to a close and the holiday season approaches, it’s a perfect moment for reflection and heartfelt gratitude. This season reminds us of the importance of expressing our thanks and appreciation for our blessings and each other. I am grateful for our union family – a remarkable membership that fills me with pride. 

This past year with MAPE has been an extraordinary journey. Witnessing our Negotiations Team secure a historic contract, seeing member engagement reach unprecedented levels, and celebrating our legislative victories have been sources of immense joy and pride. Our decision to update our dues structure at the Delegate Assembly was a pivotal moment, reflecting our collective commitment to a strong and vibrant future. Reuniting in person at the Delegate Assembly for the first time since 2019 was a powerful reminder of the strength and warmth of our community. The innovations we introduced this year exemplify how we continue to grow and adapt as a family. 

I am honored to lead our union and incredibly thankful for your trust in me. It’s a privilege to carry your voice and represent our collective interests. Your dedication and support inspire me. In the spirit of gratitude and solidarity, I encourage you to share your stories and experiences within our union, participate in events, and continue making our union a source of strength and support for each other. This year brought challenges, but together, we’ve shown remarkable resilience. Our unity and collaborative spirit have been our greatest assets in overcoming these obstacles. 

As we enter the holiday season, let’s celebrate our diversity and the various ways we express our gratitude and joy. Whether you’re enjoying traditional dishes like mashed potatoes and apple pie or celebrating in your unique way, let’s cherish our diverse traditions and experiences. 

While we enjoy this holiday season, let’s also remember those affected by global conflict. Our solidarity extends beyond our immediate community, from Ukraine to Israel and Gaza, reminding us that in unity there is strength and in solidarity there is hope.

Wishing you all a safe and peaceful holiday season. 

With love and solidarity, 

Megan Dayton Signature