President's Corner: Labor Day

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This Labor Day, we’re seeing a resurgence in support for labor unions, with 70 percent of Americans expressing approval—the highest rate since 1967. This renewed enthusiasm aligns with some of the significant victories we’ve achieved recently, such as the prolonged Hollywood strikes, the UAW’s success at the Volkswagen plant in Tennessee, the unionization of thousands of Starbucks workers, and Amazon employees joining forces with the Teamsters.  

Despite these wins and broad public support, the share of American workers who are union members remains at a record low of just 10 percent. Our membership rate is lower than it should be, and we know we can do better. A more substantial membership base is crucial to building the power we need at the bargaining table.  

Our core strength is our members, and we need to deepen and expand our relationships to strengthen our common cause. Being part of MAPE is more than just paying dues—it’s about actively shaping our union and its future. To that end, we’ll soon launch a new membership campaign designed to strengthen our union, and we look forward to sharing more details once our plans are firmed up.  

Increasing our membership will directly translate into greater strength in negotiations. One issue already gaining traction among several MAPE locals is the 32-hour workweek. Since the 40-hour workweek was established by the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1940, the world has changed dramatically. American workers are over 400 percent more productive than they were back then. Yet, weekly wages have stagnated, with the average American worker earning less today than 50 years ago when adjusted for inflation.  

Moving to a 32-hour workweek with no reduction in pay isn’t a radical idea—it’s a necessary adjustment, already being explored in other developed nations.  

Labor Day traditionally marks the unofficial end of summer and a time for new beginnings. For me, it’s a bittersweet start to the school year as my daughter enters 5th grade and my son 3rd, their last year together in elementary school. I hope you and your families can enjoy a relaxing and safe Labor Day and join us in working towards a future where a 32-hour workweek is the standard.  

In solidarity, 

Megan Dayton Signature




Megan Dayton, MAPE President