Negotiators drafting action, communications and escalation plans
Contract negotiators and Contract Action Team (CAT) Leads met earlier this month to share results from the listening sessions they’d been hosting throughout the state and to begin research on contract proposals. “We’re forming a real action plan and developing a much more robust communications network between negotiators, CATs and membership,” Negotiations Committee Co-Chair Sean McIntyre said. “These action, communications and escalation plans will help us implement a strategy for obtaining the strongest possible contract.”
Leaders of the Contract Action Teams (LCAT) are an integral partner of the Negotiations Committee. “As a former negotiator, I was doing both roles, and it was too much. All the negotiators and the LCATs are each doing a piece. It’s vital to have everyone communicating because that is what will make the teams work well and help members stay engaged and informed,” said Local 2101 LCAT Christine Retkwa.
Members and LCATs also participated in exercises to better understand the power points of negotiations and began developing action plans. The plans began with the contract opener and included Lobby Day, solidarity actions, informational pickets and ending with a tentative agreement or a strike vote. “Our focus is preparing our toolbox for whatever action we need to take to get the best contract,” McIntyre said.
One point of emphasis was the necessity of bringing more people into MAPE’s Contract Action Teams. MAPE needs a critical mass of members willing to reach out to their co-workers, inform them about the status of the contract, and ask those co-workers to join us in our solidarity actions.
“I try different methods to engage people. It is all about reaching out to people one-on-one and talking and learning from each other about possible actions. Maybe some members crave getting together while others don’t want to leave their homes. Perhaps it’s an informational picket and a bake sale, informational and a little bit of humor. That might bring people out and that’s the point,” Retkwa added.
If you are willing to help your co-workers come together, please reach out to your regional Lead CAT or sign up to join your CAT today.
The group also met with members of MAPE’s Legislative and Political Affairs team to learn more about upcoming legislation and budget forecasts. With Minnesota potentially facing a significant budget deficit, it’s important to meet with legislators during Lobby Day on March 6 to fight for sustainable agency funding to safeguard the programs Minnesotans deserve and expect.
“Lobby Day also gives members the opportunity to tell legislators about our agencies and what we do for our fellow Minnesotans, and the importance of maintaining a skilled workforce by providing meaningful cost-of-living adjustments, fair and safe working conditions and competitive benefits,” Negotiations Co-Chair Carolyn Murphy said.
“We’re state workers so by the nature of our jobs, they’re political. It’s important that we show up in those spaces and are educated and organized. We are the experts in the work we do and why it’s important for the state. It is important that we use our voices and expertise to make sure elected officials learn from us and support the agency budgets we deserve to make Minnesota work,” Political Council Chair Nicole Juan added.
If you’re planning to attend Lobby Day on March 6, please register by Feb. 21 to assist staff as they set up appointments with elected officials and plan for adequate space.
Negotiators continue to host listening sessions with members across the state about what they would like to see in the 2025-2027 contract and what they would be willing to do to support those issues. We want to hear from you so attend a listening session if there is one in your region!