MNIT meet and confer minutes June 14, 2018

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MNIT / MAPE Meet and Confer Minutes – June 14, 2018
For Management

  • Johanna Clyborne – CIO
  • Jenna Covey – Deputy Commissioner
  • Chad Thuet – HR Director
  • Nicole Schultz – Labor Relations
  • Linda Ehli – Labor Relations
  • Matt Begansky – HR Consultant
  • Paul Kill – HR
  • Brian Fitch – Labor Relations
  • Laurie Jandro – Assistant Director, Human Resources
  • Brian Fitch – Labor Relations
  • Sara Herder Lewis


  • Jed Becher – DNR
  • Nic Frey – MAPE Business Agent
  • Gary Wass – DOT – Detroit Lakes
  • JoAnn Rautio – DEED
  • Greg Naumann – PCAE
  • Jonathan Monsma –DHS
  • Bruce Anderson – DHS


  • Kassie Church – DHS

All staff town hall on 6/6/18 – Management asked how it was received. Kassie mentioned about how it seems the project management part was for the small agencies as the larger agencies have their own templates. Commissioner Clyborne said that is not true – all agencies will be using the same templates.
She has 17 Brown Bags planned – getting out to the agency locations to meet with staff.

Old Business
1) PMP Alternative – JoAnn – Looking for an update, and status of this? Anything needed from the union?

Have discussed it with executive committee. No desire to move away from current requirement.

Chad handed out comparisons between PMP & Agile and emphasized the higher requirements for PMP.

Jenna says they feels they cannot move from the requirements.

Commissioner says they discussed but cannot move away but will look to provide additional support for the PMP certification.

2) MetroPass Progress – Jed – Jenna was bringing the topic to the Financial Steering Team. Looking for update.
Jenna – next meeting is mid-July. A recommendation for admin subsidy to be uniform across the board. Will look into pssibility of support for other non-Twin Cities areas.

3) Training Opportunity Consistency – Gary
a. How to gain access to all MNIT related training vouchers, how is access to determined?
b. Microsoft, Skillsoft, Cisco, Linux, others?

Jenna – Work with supervisors and managers to set your requirements. Looking to have training set as part of larger contracts. Looking to leverage MNIT Week, IT Symposium.

Chad – SkillSoft is available online. That is available to everyone – 5 classes from MnIT Week. Usage is about 50% of employees.

JoAnn – Is SkillSoft available to everyone? People are given access to SkillSoft but not given time to use it.

Chad – local management discussion about resource management but everyone should have training sometime during the year. Employees do need training.

Commissioner – Have to balance training with work needs and expenses. May have to take some training on their own time.

Jed – I manage the Adobe Enterprise license for DNR. We need to do a better job of asking the agencies what the needs are for the future so we can get the training for what will be needed. Jed suggested looking at getting online training from Adobe and Microsoft made avaialble to state employees as part of future enterprise contracts.

Commissioner –We have to look at ROI.

Paul – implement it as part of the yearly review.

JoAnn – DEED does provide resources but not agencies do.

Commissioner – Some of this is relationship based. Some agencies look at us as partners, others look at us as contractors, so investment in training is not consistent.

4) Air quality / Remodel in COB – Jed
a. Are the air vents going to be cleaned during the remodel?
Jenna – Yes

b. Request that MNIT specifically ask that no new carpet be installed with glue during work hours. Jenna – no plans to replacement carpet.

Commissioner – cannot have everything if off-hours because of cost.

JoAnn mentions she worked DHS Roseville location where employees were informed in advanced of some work so they could decide to work remotely those days.

Commissioner – agreed prior communication is essential

5) MNIT Week – JoAnn – Union would like to partner with MNIT in planning and conducting next year’s MNIT week.

Commissioner – YES!!! Looking forward to this. Tells anyone who will be involved to send an e-mail to Taylor Mills

Jenna – Looking forward to having input and can offer some time during MNIT week for the unions.

6) Brown and Bigalow – Bruce – Update on the building
a. Can white noise be installed?
Chad – Mechanical system is the white noise for the building.
Jed – At DNR you hear white noise that goes off at 5:00, and you could hear a pin drop.
Commissioner asks – Can it be installed and what the cost is. Chad to check on this.

Security – what are the hours?
6:00 AM – 10:00 PM. There are off-hours escorts. There is training available
i. People who give licenses for access cannot retrieve after hours
1. Why not all MNIT @ DHS have access?
2. Why are visitors required to give license for visitor badge?
Management will engage with DHS security on this.
b. Lights in parking lot?
c. Can some outside picnic tables be added?
Will find a spot if we can.

7) MNIT@MDH – Bruce – Update on the building
a. Update on work being done there – hired new CBTO – Robert Maki
Commissioner – BMS is continuing to work with them on this. There’s a lot of transition and voids in leadership Working to reshape the culture. Wants to create a culture of “partner” with the agencies.

b. What kind of work is being done with employees currently? Bruce asked if it’s MNIT @ MDH or MDH.\ Commissioner – Both.

8) **MnLARS – Jed **
a. Current communication efforts & status of bills
b. Any editorials planned, Have any been run in major media outlets?

  • Handout here

Jenna – Had lots of meetings and priority setting.
Commissioner – brought up the Great Outdoors press release.
The included handout details the efforts MnIT Communications has put forth to get the word out about the good work that MnIT does.

New Business
1) Bidding and applying for jobs – Greg – Are seeing all jobs open to all, no postings for current staff lately, thus no preference being given to current staff for promotional or transfer opportunities before being opened to the general public.

Greg – Talked about postings with job options. All jobs are posted and open to all applicants.

Commissioner – Takes too long to hire anyone but will look internal first. Bidders are given first fill priority. 53% of jobs were filled internally

JoAnn – Bid on a job at MDVA, called HR for status regarding the Bid and was informed that the job was a reposting. So Bids were not accepted.

Chad – if we repost, it’s been posted once for bids.

Commissioner – Will get a clearer answer

Greg – Class options – cannot bid on jobs in the same class but different options. Pulled all ITS-3s and there are bunch of different class options.

Commissioner – Will look into this.

Chad – Agree we need to look into this.

2) Service Desk Consolidations – Greg – PCA has been consolidated and DEED’s is going to be, we are hearing rumors about MDE going to COB as well.
Greg –
Jenna – All wave 1 and wave 2 have been consolidated. Staff from DEED, (Others) were consolidated to the First Bank building. When the remodel is done, Frist Bank staff will move to COB. Will continue to support the same customers they perform now. Will in the future integrate groups as we can.
a. What is the status of help desk consolidations across the enterprise as well as software selection?
Jenna – Working to select a vendor shortly.
Nic – Any layoffs from consolidation?
Everyone – NO!
Chad – Hired Bill Poierer as Chief Technology Officer
b. Request improved communication about any helpdesk consolidation efforts.
c. Status of replacement for ROD
d. All consolidations?

3) Private Sector Vacation Accrual Credit – Jed
a. How will this be implemented at MNIT and what documentation is needed?
b. Timelines?
c. How much time will MNIT grant?
d. How will MNIT define what is relevant experience?
e. Is there a standardized form?
Jed – Will accruals be backdated to when it was submitted?
Chad – No. Going to be implemented on approval. We are working on first in, first out. Getting to them as quickly as we can. Received 250 requests.
JoAnn – DEED has had none either approved or denied.
Chad – Will look into it. – Will send me an update for notes.

4) Phased retirement option – JoAnn
a. What is the process to apply to use it?
b. How are decisions made about if a position will be eligible for phased retirement?
c. Who should interested staff contact?
JoAnn – Update on process to apply.
Chad – Statewide workgroup working on process, MnIT is part of that group. Working on a form to submit the requests. Crafting a FAQ. Approval will be discretionary.
Commissioner – have to look at organizational needs.

5) Knowledge transfer – Jonathan – Would like to see specific language added to vendor contracts, all phases should have a knowledge transfer element. Would be glad to work with management on creating such language.
Jonathan – have concerns about contracts. Should have knowledge transfer as part of consultant contacts.
Commissioner – Agree. Will have to look at how to implement.
Jed – Hold back some funds until all provisions are met.
Commissioner – Have to document what knowledge transfer is and get the right language. Need to have some enforceable language for contracts, open to suggestions. What do MAPE members need to know to take over a system that was built for the state by a contractor?
Jenna – If you want to bring some language forward we will look at it.
Kassie – DHS makes a lot of their own contacts outside of MnIT.
Commissioner – Will look into this.

6) Pipeline Project – Kassie – The Affirmative Action Plan mentions this on the Intranet on page 54
Pipeline Project: MN.IT will offer professional development through training and certification opportunities through the Pipeline Project grant to encourage retention by allowing for professional growth, development, and advancement within the agency. The grant will allow $6,000 per employee per year for up to 25 employees. Diverse employees will be given an advantage in recipient selection.
a. What became of this program?
b. Any results to report?

7) Affirmative Action Plan – Kassie
a. One of members was looking for information about the Pipeline Project on the intranet and found it in the Affirmative Action Plan. They noticed that most of the items in that section of the plan have not been done or have not been done very well in the member’s view. The plan ends in August of 2018. There was to have been an “inclusion committee” and our member has never heard of one. There was to be “educational programming” and we think there was one webinar total in the two years of the plan. The Pipeline Project was supposed to have “stay interviews” but our member never heard of those happening. There is to be an “exit survey” but this same member has heard that these are not happening. There are no ERGs or BRGs that are for MNIT employees.
b. We would like to have MAPE members be involved in creating the next one and would like to see bi-annual reporting on the efforts outlined in the plan.
c. Kassie Church feels it would be best to have a person of color to serve as the MAPE representative(s) to work with management on plan revisions. She will work to find representatives.
Chad –25 employees were selected to participate in the Pipeline project. 23 participated. 7 have fulfilled requirements.
Why was it not renewed?
Time commitments. Not enough ROI. If we do it again, will focus on one area instead of four. It was positive. Everyone who participated spoke well of it.

Sara – Can have it part of the professional development plan.

Chad – any time you get federal money there’s copious amounts of paperwork.

Kassie – how many were underrepresented areas? Did we have barriers in place that prevented their success?

Sara – there were several employees we granted extensions to.

Commissioner – we may make this part of the mentorship program.

Kassie – looks like there’s lots of things in the Affirmative Action Plan that have not been met. We have people who would like to assist with this. We would like to have MAPE members involved with the next Affirmative Action Plan.

Chad – One of the bummers is that we have room for improvement in communications. Sara is our affirmative action officer. She and I worked really hard on the plan.
Sara – Can you have input? Absolutely! Some of the goals set in 2016 were replaced by other initiatives. We are in a different environment now than in 2016. Some that we have done is C700 program. Interagency cohorts looking at best practices. MMB training for all supervisors. In person sexual harassment training for management. State-wide career job fairs. ERG – Employee Resource Group – will be launching soon. Expediting assisted technology. Proudest of – analyzing entire hiring process. Put out a video under Manager Resources that went to all management. Looking to remove barriers. Looking to standardize forms. Numerous communications that have gone out.

Chad – Feel good at the hiring for under-represented areas.

Kassie – Are you talking to employees in the under-represented areas?

Commissioner – I have zero tolerance for disrespect. How’s the training?

Kassie – Haven’t seen any.

Commissioner – How do we make everyone fell wanted?

Chad – MNIT Training Class. We created a new class for folks that are in underrepresented area. It’s a well-received process. Are hiring six initially but will look to grow.

Nic – Are these new FTEs?

Chad – Cannot answer.