Join the Fight for DHS Student Loan Reimbursement

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In early June, MAPE members joined the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) Meet and Confer and DHS management to discuss a student loan reimbursement policy and management told us they had no update to share. A student loan reimbursement pilot was included in the 2021-2023 contract with agencies having the opportunity to opt-in. We are disappointed that DHS leadership has had years to work with us to create a policy and chose not to do so.  

One-third of employers currently offer some form of student loan support and state government must follow suit to remain competitive. Many of the professional jobs we’re employed in require advanced degrees and training to help improve the lives of Minnesotans.  

At a recent meeting with DHS management and DHS Meet and Confer, MAPE members Felicia-Marie and Megan spoke about prioritizing student loan debt payments over fixes to their homes, continuing their education, and extracurriculars for their kids. Our members have worked hard to get their professional degrees and made sacrifices to continue working in state government. DHS employees across the state are forced to make hard choices every day because of the impact of predatory lenders and the increased cost of education. 

The labor movement has never won something because we waited patiently for management to recognize the importance of addressing problems their workers face. Workers stepping up every day to fight for a world where they have dignity at work, at home and when they retire is what has won us the 40-hour work week, safety standards and elimination of child labor. Our own labor union negotiated a historic 10 percent cost-of-living adjustment in our last contract, and MAPE also fought for and won paid parental leave and the Respectful Workplace Policy. Those of us who do not directly benefit have still seen the benefits of a less exploitable, educated and strong workforce. 

The labor movement is the story of making the impossible inevitable. MAPE members working together are part of a rich tapestry of people standing together to fight for a world where we all live with dignity. After years of organizing, MAPE members at the Department of Revenue won student loan debt reimbursement late last year.  

MAPE members should not have to choose between paying their student loans so they do not default instead of making necessary home repairs. DHS, the Legislature, and the Governor all have a role to play in creating a dignified life for those who have dedicated theirs to public service.  

The only way we will get a strong student loan policy implemented is by standing together.  

You have the right to act with coworkers to address work-related issues in many ways 

Take Action 

*** Anything you do, make sure to take a picture so we can tell our story with other agency MAPE members and show that this fight is widely and deeply felt! Send pictures to 

Check out these resources about student loan debt and the role of state governments: