Interested in joining our political organizing team?

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Are you interested in joining MAPE’s Political Organizing Team?

What is it?

Our political organizing team will be a dedicated group of member-leaders who will work to organize and expand member engagement in MAPE’s electoral work.

Who should join?

Any and all members who meet the following criteria:

  • You’re a leader in your workplace and are willing to work to motivate you coworkers to take action and participate in MAPE’s electoral work.

  • You contribute to MAPE’s PAC.

  • You’re willing to have relational conversations about politics with your co-workers (either one-on-ones or small-group conversations).

  • You’re willing to phone bank and/or door knock for MAPE-endorsed candidates and turn out coworkers to do the same.

Why join?

Historically, our member engagement in electoral work has been limited. MAPE’s Political Action Committee (PAC) has done the majority of the work. To build out the capacity necessary to ensure pro-labor candidates get elected in the fall, we need a dedicated team of leaders whose primary work is to organize MAPE's members to help elect labor-friendly candidates in the 2018 election.

When do we begin?

June 6 through Election Day 2018.

Technical details:

State employees have the same rights as other citizens to engage in political activity as long as they don’t use state time, equipment and don’t represent themselves as speaking for their agency or the state. The work would need to be done on breaks, before or after work or at MAPE meetings. Team members will receive training and assistance from MAPE.

How do I join?

If you’re interested in being part of MAPE’s Political Organizing Team, please contact Pete Marincel at from your non-state email address.