ERC minutes Dec 17, 2019

Publish Date

Employee Rights Committee |MINUTES


Meeting date | time 12/17/2018 8:30 AM | Meeting location MAPE, Rm. B


Image removed.

Meeting called by

Thu Phan

Type of meeting

MAPE Statewide


Thu Phan

Note taker



Thu Phan

Food order

Thu Phan


In attendance

Thu Phan (Chair), Jed Becher (1), Carol Logan (2), Bill Dunn (3), Ted Snaza (4), Ted Sitz (5), Tabatha Ries-Miller (6), Julie Hoffman (7), Teresa Chapman (8), Jim Roettger (9), Alex

Migambi (10), Cindy Kolodziejski (11), Angie Halseth (13), Eva

Peterson (14), Bryan Kotta (15), Leonard Skillings (16), Rosee

Holan (17), Gretchen Scharmer (18), Valerie LaPorte (19), Kay

Pedretti (20) Absence

Jenni Yamada (12), Chris Cachuela (21)




Time allotted | 10 mins., 8:30 AM – 8:40 AM | Agenda topic Agenda | Facilitator Thu Phan |

Approval of Agenda



1. MSP to approve the agenda.


Action items

Person responsible



Time allotted | 10 mins., 8:40 AM – 8:50 AM | Agenda topic Minutes | Facilitator Thu Phan |

Approval of Minutes



1. MSP (Dreyer) to approve the minutes.


Action items

Person responsible




Understanding Roles and Process



  1. Lina, Kathy, and Kelly will lead a discussion on roles of stewards, chiefs, EBAs, and process
    1. MAPE Executive Director, Lina Jamoul, addressed the roles of business agents. The conversation to divide business agent duties began in February 2017 between a group of chief stewards, board members, and OPIEU representatives. OPIEU is a union that represents business agents.
      1. From the 1:1s and meetings they had, the board of directors passed a motion to separate business agents into two groups: enforcement business agents and organizing business agents in August 2018.
      2. MAPE’s 2019 Annual Plan
        1. Membership growth
        2. Contract action
        3. Member engagement in politics
        4. Chief steward and steward development
    2. What are goals of the chief steward and steward development annual plan?
      1. Stewards play an important role in MAPE as they are frontline defenders of the MAPE Contract.
      2. EBAs have been working with chief stewards to implement changes: steward assessment, topics, having regular meetings, and etc.
      3. Increasing the number of stewards and active stewards to distribute the work is another goal.
    3. If there’s a complaint with an EBA or MAPE staff, please reach out to your EBA/MAPE staff and address the issue with him or her. If the issue does not go away after a period of time, please be mindful of MAPE’s Code of Conduct that states, “4.Work through the appropriate staff supervisor in the event of a complaint against a MAPE staff person so as to protect staff contractual rights.” See .
      1. If the MAPE staff supervisor is not able to resolve the issue within a certain period of time, please reach out to MAPE statewide president, Chet Jorgenson, or vice-president, Thu Phan.
      2. There is a process to address complaints.
  2. HR Training requested by Edwin Hudson – Deputy Commissioner of MMB




Action items

Person responsible


  1. Please inform your fellow stewards to send their HR training                    ERC Members                     Monday, January 21st suggestions to Kathy Fodness by Monday, January 21st.



Time allotted | 10 mins., 9:50 AM – 10:00 AM | Agenda topic Intermission | Facilitator Thu Phan |



Action items

Person responsible




Arbitration Appeal Review



    1. Review the arbitration appeal presentation procedure (
      1. All written materials are to be distributed at least one hour prior to the appeal hearing.
      2. Prior to the presentations, ERC members are given an opportunity to ask clarification and/or questions.
      3. Arbitration Team representative’s presentation – Max. 15 minutes
      4. Grievant’s presentation – Max. 15 minutes
      5. Questions from the committee
      6. Summation by Arbitration Team representative – 2 minutes
      7. Summation by grievant – 2 minutes
      8. Deliberation by committee (executive session)
    2. Discuss/review documentation



Action items

Person responsible



Time allotted | 60 mins., 11:00 AM 12:00 PM | Agenda topic Appeal | Facilitator Thu Phan |


Arbitration Appeal Hearing


  1. One (1) hearing will be heard, deliberated, and resolved.
  2. Arb. Team representative’s presentation – Max. 15 minutes
  3. Grievant’s presentation – Max. 15 minutes
  4. Questions from the committee
  5. Summation by Arbitration Team representative – 2 minutes
  6. Summation by grievant – 2 minutes
  7. Deliberation by committee (executive session)


Action items


Person responsible







Time allotted | 30 mins., 12:30 PM 1:00 PM | Agenda topic Meetings | Facilitator Thu Phan |

ERC Meetings in 2019



  1. According to the budget passed by delegates at the September 15, 2018 Delegate Assembly, the ERC will have two full meetings for all ERC members. Also, there will be four quarterly meetings for half of the ERC members. These quarterly meetings will only be summoned when there is an arbitration appeal.
    1. Two full committee meetings: Monday, April 15th and Monday, October 21st.
    2. Four quarterly meetings (arbitration appeal hearings):
      1. Even regional chief stewards (2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20):
        1. Monday, February 18th and Monday, August 19th
      2. Odd regional chief stewards (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, and 21):
        1. Monday, June 17th and Monday, December 16th
        2. MAPE’s Business Manager, Paul Schweizer, confirmed this budget passed at DA.


Action items

Person responsible



Time allotted | 10 mins., 1:00 PM – 1:10 PM | Agenda topic Training | Facilitator Thu Phan |

Upcoming Basic and Advanced Steward Trainings



Basic Steward Training: (1) Friday, January 25th; (2) Friday, May 10th; (3) Friday, Aug. 23rd; and (4) Friday, Nov. 22nd.

Advanced Steward Training: (1) Friday, March 22nd; (2) Friday, July 26th; and (3) Friday, Oct. 25th.



Action items

Person responsible


  1. Please encourage your fellow stewards and colleagues to sign up for these trainings.
  2. Rosee Holan requested possibly a separate training on motivational interviewing or integrate it in the Advanced Steward Training.
  3. Training on professional and emotional investment in cases

ERC Members Thu Phan


Thu Phan



Before March 2019



Before March 2019



Grievance Review



          1. How many grievances do you currently have in your local?
          2. How many new grievances have you received since the last ERC meeting (10.15.2018)
          3. What are the issues that are being grieved?
          4. Is there any issue that you found interesting?



Action items

Person responsible




Time allotted | 60 mins., 2:10 PM – 3:10 PM | Agenda topic Strategic Plan | Facilitator Kathy F. & Kelly A. |

Steward and Chief Steward Development



  1. Kathy Fodness will provide an update on the steward assessment.
  2. Respectful Workplace Policy
    1. The Anti-Bullying Task Force will meet with MMB Deputy Commission Edwin Hudson.
    2. Check out the anti-bullying videos on
  3. Steward meeting topics
    1. Kathy and Kelly will work on topics for steward meeting topics.
  4. Statewide steward training
    1. Jed Becher and Tabatha Ries-Miller will work with EBAs to come up with training topics for their first online ITV training. This training will be modified to a four minute training module that will be available on in the future.
  5. One page representational activities
    1. This is a cheat sheet that provides our rights as stewards and MAPE represented employees on certain topics, such as investigations, loudermill, non-certification, performance review appeal, reallocation appeal, and Respectful Workplace Policy.
  6. Negotiations – contractual development on the representational side




Action items

Person responsible


  1. Please continue to have regular steward meetings and work with              ERC members your respective EBAs to come up with an agenda.
  2. Please forward suggestions for contractual development on the                ERC members representational side of the MAPE Contract to Kelly Ahern.



Other Items



    1. FMLA policy – Bill Dunn
    2. FLMA policy – Bill Dunn
    3. Vehicle telemetrics – Bill Dunn
    4. ERC Task Force
      1. Members of the Task Force met over lunch during the ERC meeting to review ERC Policies.