Duluth hosts Minnesota Workforce Summit

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The second Minnesota Workforce Summit brought together stakeholders from across the state to Duluth last week to focus on key factors in Minnesota’s equitable economic growth. These factors include growing the labor force to meet the needs of Minnesota employers and connecting Minnesotans with family-sustaining employment. The summit was hosted by the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED).  

MAPE President Megan Dayton was part of the panel on Minnesota’s Labor Force: Demographic Changes, Migration and More. Dayton participated in her role as the senior demographer at the Department of Administration’s State Demographic Center. Joining her on the panel were Explore Minnesota Executive Director Lauren Bennett McGinty and DEED Labor Market Information Office Director Angelina Nguyễn.    

“I spoke about how an aging population, fewer births and tamped-down migration are contributing to a tight labor market. I also warned the audience of the worsening mismatch between job-seeker skills and market needs,” said Dayton. “As we navigate these demographic shifts, it’s critical that we have a strong union to advocate for fair wages, secure benefits and safe working conditions. Our unity ensures our voices are heard and that our members are positioned for success in a changing workforce landscape.” 

Workforce Summit