DEED meet and confer minutes
Feb. 15, 2018
DEED Meet and Confer Minutes 15 Feb 2018
Present for MAPE: Andy Given (chair), Darlene Heiskary, Ted Sitz, Tim Qualley, Maureen Dunaway, Alana Strickler, Evon Minelli, Caitlin Reid.
Present for the employer: Renea Bourassa, Jacqueline Lyaruu-Macha,
Rick Caligiuri, Dave Niermann, Heidi Hartwig,
1) Better communication from management regarding all job postings
MAPE requested that management improve transparency with better communication about postings for all positions, regardless of union affiliation, classified and unclassified. MAPE noted that many classified positions are posted for only a few days before they are filled with a preselected candidate. Unclassified positions remain a mystery to many staff until a new employee reports to the office, sometimes with no introduction. Management suggested that employees in search of other opportunities check the careers website, which is accessible from MMB self-service website. Management promised to take up the issue at the next entire management team meeting.
2) Classified vs. unclassified positions
MAPE again expressed concern about the very large number of unclassified positions. MAPE added that some unclassified positions do, in fact, have a stable funding stream. Management replied that some unclassified positions should be viewed as a training opportunity to improve skills. Management then noted that unclassified Unemployment Insurance BAM positions that are currently 7L would be reclassified as 5L in the near future. Thus, they would no longer be viewed as a promotion. This decision is subject to the grievance process.
MAPE also expressed concerns about unposted unclassified and “working out of class” positions where people are placed into positions without anyone else having the opportunity to apply for the position. Sometime later the position gets classified and posted but usually ends up going to the placed person because they have been doing the job already. Management stated that this practice has ended and there should be no more new positions (even unclassified ones) that are not posted.
3) Seniority roster
MAPE once more requested that the seniority roster be reviewed for accuracy. Management reported that the data for the roster comes from SEMA4. Management encouraged employees to verify their information on the seniority roster, which is updated twice per year. Management welcomed employees to contact HR if they have concerns about the seniority roster.
4) DEED budget
MAPE inquired about the federal and state budget situations. Management reported that the uncertainty in Washington DC makes planning difficult. MAPE encouraged management to communicate more frequently with staff that the budget process is being closely monitored. Management stated that Wagner Peyser funding levels for the WorkForce Centers is not dependent upon quantity of customer services offered (tracking 1:1 career services or workshop attendance). Funding is determined instead by local labor market factors. Career services and workshop attendance is required for federal WIOA outcomes reporting. MAPE asked that management provide better information about Wagner Peyser funding to their staff.
5) Parking issues
MAPE requested parking reimbursements for staff who are based in the FNB and who are required to use their personal vehicle for work. One suggestion was the use of a State vehicle. Management will research the issue and report back to next quarterly meet and confer. This may be an issue for supplemental bargaining.
6) Governor’s executive order 11-13
MAPE asked management to begin complying with this executive order, which mandates that State agencies shall encourage employees, twice per year in May and October, to use alternatives to single occupancy vehicles for work commuting. Management promised to review the executive order.
7) Staffing issues (attrition, lay-offs, budget cuts, etc.)
MAPE expressed concern over short-staffing, and the frustration of staff who are required to perform ever more work with reduced resources. Management acknowledged the labor market shortage, and that business models are changing. Management shared that at any given time approximately 20 percent of DEED employees are approved for FMLA and they acknowledged this can affect staffing within units and offices.
8) Morale and retention
MAPE asked management about working together in a genuine effort to improve morale and consider improving work environments, including looking in using more modern styles of management. This is vital to retaining the next generation of employees. Management asked for advice to improve employee morale. MAPE suggested that the classist, authoritarian, punitive management style is outdated. MAPE restated that ongoing hiring and promotional practices at all levels has adversely affected employee morale within many areas of DEED. MAPE and management pledged to bring solutions to the next quarterly meet and confer.