Black History Month Series kicks off Feb.1 for State employees

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Equity and Justice Black Caucus

The Equity Justice Black Caucus is presenting its fourth annual Black History Month commemoration and invites state employees to celebrate beginning Feb. 1. This year’s theme is Black Excellence. The virtual presentations will take place from 12-1:30 p.m.each work day.

“We will be talking about history and current events and there will be a wide range of topics including the importance of stories, justice reform, mental health, the earliest Muslims in America, music and many others,” Local 1002 President Maurice Wilson said. Wilson is the host and organizer of the event and also serves as co-chair of the Equity Justice Black Caucus.

Celebrate Black History Month

Speakers from across the country, including State employees, are participating in the series. “We’ll have conversations with speakers of different backgrounds, ages and political leanings. We’re trying to create something sustainable. It’s nice to hear from agencies wanting to promote the program,” Wilson said.

Presentations will be held from 12-1:30 p.m. Check out the agenda Black History Month Agenda 2023 for schedule.  

To make it easier for you to select the presentations you would like to attend, each event has its own exclusive link. Be sure to add each event to your calendar.