Article 23 - Housing 2021-23 contract

Section 1. Rental Rates. Any employee who is required by the Appointing Authority to live in a state-owned residence as a condition of employment shall not be required to pay rent for the dwelling. Any employee who is not required by the Appointing Authority to live in a state-owned residence as a condition of employment shall pay a fair rental rate established by the Appointing Authority for the dwelling. 

In the event the Appointing Authority no longer requires an employee to live in a state-owned residence as a condition of employment, the employee will be given a reasonable period of time of not less than six (6) calendar months in which to find alternate housing if the employee so desires. 

The Appointing Authority shall advise all employees in writing if occupancy of a particular dwelling is a condition of employment. 

Section 2. Utilities and Repairs. The Appointing Authority shall pay all taxes on state-owned residences. If the Appointing Authority requires an employee to maintain an office in the state-owned residence, the Appointing Authority shall pay all utilities related to the operation of the office. 

The employee occupying the residence will be responsible for changing storm windows and screens and routine maintenance of the grounds designated as residence property, but all necessary decorating, painting, and repairs shall be done by the Appointing Authority at no cost to the employee. Employees shall not alter any plumbing, wiring, roof, wall, or partition without express written approval from the Appointing Authority and may be held responsible for any damage or alteration beyond ordinary wear. 

Section 3. Garage Space. If available, garage space may be used by the employee for their private vehicle without cost to the employee. 

Section 4. Chaplain's Housing Allowance. The Employer agrees to designate to chaplains the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) of salary per year as a parsonage allowance. Chaplains working less than full time shall receive a pro-rata portion of the designated sum.