MAPE Election Rules Relating to Campaign Conduct and Campaign Support

(January 2023)

Candidate Compliance. In addition to other requirements of the governing documents, all nominees for an elective position, shall accept the nomination via electronic form, containing all election rules, guidelines, and policies thereby affirm their intent to comply with the requirements of MAPE's governing documents and procedures. (Election Rules. Article III, Section 6)

General Resources. Candidates shall not accept support of money, facilities, paid labor, or other goods or services for the benefit of their campaign from any profit or non-profit corporation, unit of government, political action committee, or collective bargaining representative or an affiliate thereof. (Election Rules, Article IV, Campaign Support)

MAPE Resources. Except as provided in these rules; the funds, staff, materials, equipment, and facilities of MAPE shall not be used with the purpose or clear effect of benefiting or harming any candidate's campaign. Candidates shall not solicit campaign contributions at MAPE's offices or during the official business portions of MAPE sponsored events. MAPE’s offices may be used for candidate forums.  MAPE shall provide technology to facilitate video conferencing at campaign forums for statewide races. Upon request, locals shall be allowed to use MAPE offices and/or technology to hold local candidate forums for statewide races. (Election Rules, Article IV, Campaign Support)

Campaign Forums. Locals may arrange forums to allow candidates to express their views.  Any such forums shall be made available on an equal basis to all candidates. Locals shall not schedule forums for statewide elections at the same time another local is holding their forum. The statewide elections committee will provide an online location for locals to reserve their forum time.  Locals shall reserve forum times in the same order locals notify the statewide elections committee of their intent to hold a forum. The statewide elections committee shall hold a candidate forum for each contested statewide election, prior to the voting window opening. These statewide campaign forums sponsored by the statewide elections committee shall be held in a manner that allows members to interact with the candidates from remote locations. The MAPE portal shall be used to show the schedule of all campaign forums. (Election Rules, Article IV, Campaign Support)

Distribution List Security. MAPE shall maintain control of election lists. No access to MAPE election lists for campaign purposes shall be permitted except for the following: a list of members’ personal email addresses comprised of members who have opted-in to receive campaign materials from candidates. A list of statewide candidates and their personal contact information shall be provided to all seated local officers for the purpose of facilitating local campaign forums. The MAPE portal may be used to publish these lists. (Election Rules, Article IV, Campaign Support)

General Conduct. All candidates shall conduct their campaigns in a manner that promotes the welfare of MAPE and does not subject MAPE to liability. Election Rules, Article V, Campaign Conduct)

False Claims. Candidates shall not knowingly make false or clearly misleading claims. (Election Rules, Article V, Campaign Conduct)

Undue Influence. Candidates shall not use coercion, bribery, or a promise of future consideration in an attempt to influence an election. (Election Rules, Article V, Campaign Conduct)

E-Mail Use. State e-mail or equipment (including printers and fax machines) may not be used for MAPE campaign purposes.  Campaign e-mail messages shall not be sent or forwarded from state or non-state systems to state systems. (Election Rules, Article V, Campaign Conduct)

Campaign Literature All campaign literature shall bear the name of the author(s), the funding source, and the candidate(s) and/or issue(s) it supports. Candidates are solely responsible for the content of their campaign material. (Election Rules, Article V, Campaign Conduct)

Social Media in Campaigns Policy. Candidates must comply with the Social Media in Campaigns Policy.

Personal Statements. Personal statements may not contain photographs, graphics or artwork. Personal statements shall include the candidate’s name and information about the candidate and the candidate’s ideas relating to the office sought and may not contain references to other candidates. Personal statements may include the candidate’s department, work city, years of state service and years as a MAPE member. Personal statements shall be no longer than 300 words.

Candidates who submit a personal statement which exceeds the word limit will be given an opportunity to shorten their statement. If a revised statement is not submitted or the revised statement exceeds the word limit, the personal statement will be truncated. The truncated personal statement will be published on the MAPE website and included with the ballot. (Election Rules, Article V, Campaign Conduct)