Dues FAQ

Why did we update dues? 

  • Investing in collective power – our dues are an investment in collective bargaining power. Every dollar we contribute amplifies our ability to negotiate for better conditions, wages and benefits.  

  • The last dues adjustment was 11 years ago, it’s time to bring our contributions in line with current economic conditions to ensure a robust and effective union. 

  • We simply must invest in our union’s future, and we need the resources to do this. The new plan will make dues fairer for members while ensuring MAPE’s financial stability and continued strength and effectiveness.   

  • MAPE’s 2022-2027 Strategic Plan directs our Finance Workgroup and Board of Directors to propose a dues increase at the 2023 Delegate Assembly.   

How was the new rate decided? What other plans did you look at?  

  • Starting Jan. 1, 2024 dues will be .75 of one hour, or 45 minutes of a member’s pay with a cap of $32.50,  ensuring fairness and equitability. 

  • This is an investment in our collective strength, an affirmation of our shared values and a commitment to our shared future.  

  • The Finance Workgroup spent months researching and looking at over 60 dues structures.

We just won a raise, and now we’re being asked to increase dues. Why now?

  • The strategic plan called for a review of dues structures
  • Delegate Assembly voted to pass the proposed expenses and revenue on Oct. 28, 2023.
  • Delegate Assembly is MAPE’s highest governing body comprised of elected delegates from each of the 39 locals.

Does this change in dues eat up my whole raise?

  • No. although many people will see dues increase, in no case would the amount be close to amount of the Across the Board Increase we won.
  • Check to see what your new dues will be at mape.org/dues.
  • MAPE dues will remain lower than many other unions – one reason is because we do not have an international that we pay a portion of dues to.

Who approved the dues update? 

  • Delegate Assembly voted to pass the proposed expenses and revenue on Oct. 28, 2023.
  • Delegate Assembly is MAPE’s highest governing body comprised of elected delegates from each of the 39 locals.
  • Delegates are volunteers who are elected members from each local
  • MAPE governs as a democracy and Delegates vote on behalf of the members they represent.
  • Delegates vote the budget, resolutions and legislative priorities.
  • Everyone should consider running for delegate assembly!

How can I get involved in helping to make decisions like these? 

  • Get involved in the decision-making process! Our union is always looking for more member leaders: run for office, attend budget forums, become a delegate at Delegate Assembly. 

Will this dues update support a sustainable budget?

There are simply too many unknowns at this time to make a prediction. We have looked at more than 60 different scenarios and believe this plan is the most equitable and fair way to go. We have considered how many employees may be paying dues based on current numbers, but we don’t know how many future employees will be in state service, or what future economies will look like. The key is to continue to make membership recruitment a top priority.