Article 32 - Labor Management Committee/Meet and Confer Committee 2019-21 contract

Section 1.  Purpose.  The Employer and the Association support a cooperative relationship between the parties in which the Employer and the Association move toward a relationship of greater trust and respect without interfering with the collective bargaining process.  In order to promote and foster such a cooperative relationship, the parties agree to establish joint Statewide and Local Labor-Management Committees/Meet and Confer Committee meetings to deal with mutually identified issues through a problem-solving approach rather than in an adversarial climate.

Section 2.  Committee.  The Committee shall be composed of a mutually agreed upon number of representatives from the Employer and the Association.  The Committee shall meet at least monthly or as mutually agreed.

The purpose of the Committee shall be to identify and address issues of mutual concern, including but not limited to:  child care, safety (including state provided vehicles), sick leave and severance, employee assistance program, health insurance, employee initiated training, Appointing Authority initiated training, local concerns, parking, sexual harassment, expenses (home offices and equipment, travel, etc.) and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).  However, committee meetings shall not be considered or used for negotiations, nor shall they be considered or used as a substitute for the grievance procedure.

The Committee shall have the right to establish subcommittees on specific issues including but not limited to a subcommittee on laboratory safeguards relating to the handling of materials containing infectious diseases.  These subcommittees may include Employer and Association representatives not on the full committee, and may include members from other exclusive representatives. The full committee shall be responsible for coordinating the activities of the subcommittees which shall keep the full committee informed of its actions.

Employees shall be in pay status for the time required to participate in Local and Statewide Labor Management Committees and meet and confer meetings.