
Board of Directors

Constitution and Rules Committee

Constitution and Rules Committee provides coordination and analysis of proposed changes to the MAPE Constitution, Bylaws and Election Rules.

Delegate Assembly (DA)

Delegate Assembly (DA) is MAPE's highest governing body. Its powers include, but are not limited to, the authority to establish MAPE policies, approve budgets, levy dues, amend the governing documents, and adopt procedures for statewide, regional and local officer elections.

Elections Committee

Elections Committee provides oversight to the statewide and regional elections. The committee validates candidate credentials, monitors campaigns, conducts elections and hears protests.

Employee Rights Committee (ERC)

Employee Rights Committee (ERC) is comprised of Regional Steward Directors from each of MAPE’s 21 regions and is chaired by MAPE’s Statewide Vice President. This committee hears arbitration appeals, and plans the strategic direction for all MAPE stewards.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of MAPE's president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, the chairs of the Organizing Council and the Political Council, and one elected member representing all the statewide meet and confer teams. The President is the presiding officer. The Executive Committee conducts the business of MAPE between the meetings of the Board of Directors and performs other duties as directed by the Board of Directors.

Local Presidents Committee

The Local Presidents Committee was approved by the 2012 Delegate Assembly as a standing committee. Consisting of presidents of each local, the new standing committee will meet at least once each year, with the first meeting the day before the 2013 DA.


MAPE PAC directs political action by providing election campaign support in the form of financial contributions, screening and endorsing Minnesota candidates, and working on campaigns for people who support us as state employees.

Meet and Confer Chairs

Chairs of agency Meet and Confer committees

Meet and Confer committees

MAPE and the employer support a cooperative relationship in which they “move toward a relationship of greater trust and respect without interfering with the collective bargaining process.” Please click on the name of the team below for meeting minutes and a listing of committee members.

Negotiations Committee (Team)

Negotiations Committee (Team) negotiates our contract with the administration. During contract negotiations, this committee requires a lot of time and focus.

Nominations Committee (Statewide)

The Nominations Committee is to seek out and encourage qualified members to run for MAPE local, regional or statewide elective offices.

Organizing Council

The Organizing Council will aim to organize diverse professionals to build power through membership recruitment, relationship building and conducting actions led by local leaders who are accountable to members. This council is also responsible for leading MAPE’s membership recruitment and retention efforts via effective annual membership drives and first 30 days initiatives in the locals.

Political Council

The Political Council’s purpose is to help define legislative priorities, educate members and encourage members to engage in the legislative/political process. Not only will the council set legislative priorities, but also implement strategies to organize around those priorities, political education and election work.

Student Loan Reimbursement


Trustees consist of five members elected by the membership. The Trustees verify income and expenses of MAPE.