Procedures for Creating a Local Budget

Procedures for Creating a Local Budget

Every Local Treasurer must create and submit a budget to the Statewide Treasurer (Finance Committee) by January 1st. It should be presented and approved by local membership prior to submission. 

  1. Access the local budget template in Excel format on the page of the MAPE website and save to your computer.
  2. Enter your local information in column B, cells 2-4. The membership number in B4 will help calculate your new income for the upcoming year.
  3. Cell B8 - Using your current budget and financial reports, determine if you will have a surplus carrying over into the next budget and enter that amount. Unspent funds includes local strike funds, reserves and other unspent or unallocated funds that belong to the local.
  4. Cell B10 will have your automatically calculated membership dues income estimate based on the membership numbers entered in B4.
  5. Cell B11 should automatically calculate the carry over + the income. This is your total available budget.
  6. Enter the estimated expenses for each line item that pertains to your local. Add detail/notes in column C if necessary and dollar amounts in column B. If there is something missing from this budget, you may add a line to the spreadsheet by inserting a row.
  7. The proposed budget and estimated surplus will automatically be calculated.
  8. The budget template has formulas built in to calculate the necessary amounts for you.
  9. Make sure that the final budget is 0 or a positive balance, meaning, any remaining unbudgeted items would be in reserve. Not having every dollar accounted for will not cause a reduction in your income. To move funds from reserves into other budget lines in the future, it must be approved by the local membership as a budget adjustment at any time during the year. 

Contact the Statewide Treasurer or Finance Committee members for assistance.

Murray Cody Thu, 08/09/2018 - 8:34am