Financial forms

Financial forms

There are several Financial Forms Local Treasurers need to use. Below is a listing and description of these forms.

  • Local Expense Reimbursement Request form – this is used to request reimbursement through MAPE central from your local account. This is generally used by locals that do not have their own checkbook. It can be used by officers and members in locals that do have checkbooks if you prefer the check be issued from Central office. This form is also used for direct vendor payment.
  • Local Checkbook Replenishment form – this form is used to request replenishment of the checking account after a check or debit transaction has been processed. Local checking accounts have limits to reduce the risk of fraud, because of these limits replenishments must be submitted when expenses are processed through the local checking account to keep the account at the maximum limit allowed. This form is ONLY used by locals with checkbooks.
  • Local Budget Template – this template must be completely every year by each local. The creation and approval of the local budget authorizes expenditures for the local. An approved budget must be submitted by January 1st each year to the Finance Committee through the Statewide Treasurer.
  • Audit Committee Report – this report must be completed by a local audit committee each year by March 15th in locals that have checkbooks. This is the only time in which the local funds are audited, so it is very important to complete. Further information on completing the audit can be found below and in the Local Checkbook Policy.

These forms and more can be found on the Financial Forms webpage:

Murray Cody Thu, 08/09/2018 - 8:24am