Article XV - Board Of Trustees
Article XV - Board Of TrusteesBOARD OF TRUSTEES
Section 1. Eligibility.
A Trustee may not self-nominate or accept nomination or appointment to any other position at any level in MAPE with two exceptions. Trustees may serve as Stewards, but not Regional Steward Directors, and on the Credentials Committee, including as chair.
Section 2. Term of Office.
All terms shall be for a four-year period, except when a vacancy occurs (see Section 6). The terms shall remain staggered.
Section 3. Elections.
Elections for the Board of Trustees shall be held in odd-numbered years, at the same time as statewide officer elections. Elections shall be administered by the Elections Committee and shall be governed by the governing documents and any other applicable election rules and procedures of MAPE.
Section 4. Duties.
The duties of Trustees shall be limited to (1) financial matters and (2) serving on the Credentials Committee. All MAPE financial records shall be made available to the Trustees, but no records shall leave the MAPE office. A Trustee shall not review records or vote on questions about records relating to themselves.
Section 5. Responsibilities.
The Board of Trustees shall elect a chair.
Section 6. Vacancies.
Vacancies in the position of Trustee shall be filled using the following scenarios:
- If the vacant position's term of office has less than one year remaining, the position will be filled by a normal election during the next annual election cycle.
- If the vacant position's term of office has more than a year remaining, the position will be filled by a special election during the next annual election cycle.