Article V -- Officers

Article V -- Officers

Section 1:  Terms of Office

All officers of the PAC Board shall be elected by simple majority of the PAC Board.  The Chair, Vice-Chair, Associate Treasurer, and Recording Secretary of the PAC Board shall serve for the term of one (1) year. The Treasurer shall be elected in even numbered years and shall serve for a term of two (2) years. Officers of the PAC Board may be reelected. Officer elections shall be held during the first PAC Board meeting in the calendar year.

Section 2:  Duties

The Chair shall preside at meetings of the PAC Board and shall perform such other duties as the PAC Board may prescribe. The Chair shall also serve as chair of the Administration and Planning Committee.

The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair in the duties prescribed to the Chair by the PAC Board or, in the Chair’s absence, shall assume the duties of the Chair. The Vice-Chair shall also serve as chair of the Engagement Committee.

The Treasurer shall keep an accounting of all contributions and expenditures, shall prepare such reports as are required by the PAC Board, Minnesota Campaign Finance entities, and State, guidelines and/or statutes, and shall perform such other duties as the PAC Board may prescribe. The Treasurer shall also serve as chair of the Finance Committee.

The Associate Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in the duties prescribed to the Treasurer by the PAC Board or, in the absence of the Treasurer, shall assume the duties of the Treasurer and/or other duties as prescribed by the PAC Board.

The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of all duly called meetings and shall distribute said minutes to the PAC Board, the MAPE President, and the MAPE Public Affairs and Communications Director and Public Affairs Coordinator.

Section 3:  Vacancies

If a vacancy occurs in any office, it shall be filled by election by the PAC Board. The person filling the vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the term of their predecessor.

Murray Cody Fri, 09/21/2018 - 10:44am