MAPE's Anti-Bullying Task Force

MAPE's Anti-Bullying Task Force
Anti-bullying Task Force 2016
MAPE's current Anti-Bullying Task Force pictured above, October 2016

From left to right, Lynn Lenz, Anne Moore, Randy Wills, Kathy Fodness, Cindy Kolodziejski, Julie Sullivan, Ashley Erickson and Alice Percy.

Anti-bullying Task Force wins award at 2015 Delegate Assembly
Anti-bullying DA award

The Anti-Bullying Task Force was named the 2015 recipient of the Neil Farnsworth award. Task force members, left to right, are: Ashley Erickson (staff), Kathy Fodness (staff), Randy Wills, Alice Percy, Julie Sullivan, Anne Moore, Richard Kolodziejski (staff), Mike Moriarty, Cindy Kolodziejski and Jorgenson, who presented the award. Not pictured are: Teresa Chapman, Lynn Lenz and Mike Landers (retired).

The origination of MAPE's Anti-Bullying Task Force
Anti-bullying Task Force 2014

In June 2014, in order to move a strategic plan to eradicate bullying, MAPE developed our anti-bullying task force. MAPE leaders who had direct experience working with members regarding work site bullying were asked to participate and lend their expertise to our mission.

AT RIGHT: MAPE's original Anti-Bullying Task Force from left to right Cindy Kolodziejski, Julie Sullivan, Mike Moriarty, Anne Moore, Kathy Fodness, Alice Percy, Randy Wills, Mike Landers (retired) and Lynn Lenz. Not pictured: Teresa Chapman.

During the task force’s first year, we looked at specific experiences our members were having, steps that were taken that were successful and steps that were not successful. We strategized about how to force the state to sit up and take notice to work environments they were responsible for. We knew that to continue to move forward, we needed more parties committing to our goal. Task force members provided testimony that led the way to the creation by MMB of the Respectful Workplace Policy, the first statewide policy of its kind in the nation. The task force also created a new statewide role, regional lead, to monitor compliance with the new policy.

In year two, the task force focused on tracking the policy through our regional leads, training initiatives by both the state and MAPE.

Murray Cody Thu, 08/16/2018 - 9:05am