MAPE local officers' guidelines

MAPE local officers' guidelines


Each MAPE local officer has several specific duties, which are included in the MAPE Constitution and/or Bylaws. The Constitution and Bylaws are included as reference documents in the back of this manual. Those duties are also included here, for quick reference, along with additional guidelines.

A local leader’s job description had two basic aspects:

1. Union maintenance: These are the day-to-day jobs that go into administering the local and keeping it running smoothly.
2. Union building: These are the tasks that a leader undertakes to build a strong, vital and effective MAPE local.

The Region Directors' duties are included in this section for informational purposes, since some of the duties serve a critical local function.

Region Directors’ duties:

  • Serve as the region’s representative on the MAPE Board of Directors. Gathering concerns and interests of people represented as well as making policies that reflect their constituents' interests.
  • Be prepared for and attend all Board meetings or arrange for a replacement in cases where absence is unavoidable.
  • Keep the region membership updated on Board of Director meetings, actions and other statewide issues.
  • Assist local leadership in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.
  • Whenever possible, attend local membership meetings within the geographic boundaries of the region.

-- Note: This position is not a local officer.

Local President’s duties:

  • Prepare the meeting agenda and notice in conjunction with the local Secretary for distribution to membership utilizing the membership list from MAPE Central. Ensure approved minutes are sent to the MAPE admin team for posting on the web.

  • Preside at all membership meetings, arranging for meeting speakers, guests and programs as necessary.
  • Countersign checks and/or authorize expense forms per current MAPE policy. The Treasurer must sign all expense and lost time forms unless unavailable (ill or vacation).
  • Call meetings of the local’s Executive Committee as needed.
  • Appoint members to all of the local’s committees and act as an ex officio member of the same.
  • Monitor notice deadlines for elections, committees and meetings.
  • Communicate with the Region Director to receive and disseminate the latest statewide information.
  • Communicate with other local presidents within the region to ensure that information reaches the maximum number of members.
  • Work with the other local officers to recruit delegates and alternates to the Delegate Assembly.
  • Work with other local officers and members to increase membership.

A union leader influences and motivates others to take actions toward meeting the union’s goals and objectives. Each local leader brings different qualities and skills to the position that s/he holds. Each of us can improve the abilities s/he has and acquire new skills while in office.

Local Vice President's duties:

  • Work closely with the local President on union maintenance and union building responsibilities.
  • Preside at meetings and perform other duties of the President when the President is unable to attend or is unable to do so.
  • May be authorized by the local Executive Committee to counter sign checks and/or authorize expense forms per current MAPE policy.
  • Communicate with other local officers as needed.
  • Attend local Executive Committee meetings as scheduled.
  • Chair Local Job Action Committee.

Local Treasurer’s duties:

  • Sign checks and/or authorize expense forms, ensuring that all necessary signatures are present per current MAPE policy.
  • Maintain the local’s income and expense report.
  • Verify the local’s account balance with MAPE Central and report to membership at meetings.
  • Submit all required financial reports to the MAPE Central financial Specialist, Julie Lee.

The MAPE Constitution and Bylaws require that all regional directors, local presidents and treasurers be bondable.

Local Secretary's duties:

  • Record and maintain the minutes of local membership and Executive Committee meetings.
  • Properly report, route and/or respond to the local’s correspondence.
  • Make the written record of local and Executive Committee meeting minutes available to member request in compliance with MAPE Central and/or local procedures. If using MAPE Central, make sure all minutes and agenda are sent, at one time, two (2) weeks in advance of the meeting to the Administrative Specialist.

Minutes are a brief record of what occurred at a meeting. They should include officer and committee reports, as well as motions that were made. All motions should be recorded as made, seconded and whether the motion passed or failed, for example: M/S/P or M/S/F followed by the text of the motion. In most cases, the maker of the motion is required to provide the Secretary with a written copy of the motion at the time the motion is proposed.

Executive Committee’s duties:

  • Act as the governing body of the local, except when the membership meetings are in session, accept the draft minutes of previous meeting(s).
  • Establish the local’s policies, procedures and goals in areas that the membership has not formally taken action.
  • Report all actions and decisions to the membership at the next membership meeting.

Local Treasurer's Manual

Murray Cody Wed, 07/25/2018 - 1:06pm